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Words fail to describe how much Tibbs hates Liv

(Well, to spare Perry’s feelings, perhaps “hate” is too strong a word. Tibbs would say he just hates the things she says. And the things she does. Also her. In her entirety.)

(this may or may not get a sequel doodle with Liv, mostly I just wanted to draw Tibbs’ big scary pig teeth)

stealth edit: tibbs’ teeth were bugging me, so I decided to track down better reference pics of boar teeth. I’d drawn his molars too big and his whetter teeth pointing in the wrong direction. Also I decided to not have his lips pulling so far backwards, as boars are not wolves. I found out I can make gifs in procreate, so I made a tiny gif showing the edits. :3




Jesus, that's a lot of teeth ! Boars are among the coolest, scariest looking/sounding animals when they want to :D


Makes me curious, has Liv ever met Lulu? Because between her and Tibbs I'm almost certain she would be the one more likely to stomp her flat.


It's funny you ask, I was actually just brainstorming a potential comic where Liv and Lulu meet, as well as a potential comic where we get some insight into how Liv and Tibbs view each other. You're absolutely right, for all Tibbs disdain for Liv, he's not going to hurt a frail old lady, or even yell at her, really. Lulu, though? Lulu would sock Liv straight in the face and not think twice about it


Just joined and binged the fuzzbutts tag over the past few days, and Perry has rapidly risen to being one of my favorite characters.