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virgil can u fucking not

Virgil does not eat people, yet a curious number of y'all seem convinced he does. I'm hurt by this slander of my innocent hyena's good name! >:I Jk. Virgil does get up to some ghoulish shit, but cannibalism is not on his to-do list. Still, buckle up for some spooky hyena antics, in the spirit of Halloween~




Virgil actually ate my arm :(


Good LORD, Virgil. I know you're a CAVE hyena but most civilized folks politely wipe their muzzles after violently devouring....jam.


He was acquitted in 2018! >:I You have no proof! Virgil was doing community service that night! Somebody PLANTED that arm in his kitchen!!


Canonically, both Virgil and Savannah are both messy eaters, like they have to concentrate when eating in public so they don't look like, well.....hyenas ripping into a rotten carcass. This is because they spent their youth in a shitty foster home and experienced food insecurity, so they quickly learned to wolf down their meals quickly to prevent a bigger kid taking it. So yeah, in private, Virgil probably would shove his whole muzzle into a jam jar and devour the contents. He and Savannah also resource guard like dogs- Savannah will outright snarl and snap at Virg to stop him creeping closer to the last slice of pizza.