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Y'all ever see the movie Critters? I did. I was a little kid and I caught it on my grandma's tv. Specifically this scene (warning for campy gore). And. I. Had. Nightmares. For weeks. (Then again, I was a wimpy kid. I had to cover my eyes playing Detective Barbie on PC).

Anyway, much like the critters from the movie, Ellie has multiple rows of teeth. It doesn't really fit a creature adapted to drink blood, but eh, I think it looks neat. :3 When she chitters her jaws together rapidly, it effectively turns her face into a living chainsaw. She can gnaw through just about anything in seconds- a metal fence protecting livestock, a net deployed by an angry farmer to catch her......the toddler leash Monty tied around her to keep her from running off in a grocery store.) It makes an unsettling, high-pitched sound. Like a shark, Ellie is constantly losing and regrowing teeth. Her pearly whites also give her a lovely smile, don't you think? Smoky certainly thinks so.

Smoky's thought process: Beautiful. Perfect. Stunning. I am blessed today. A more adorable child could not exist. 





i LOVE this!!! i have such a weakness for unabashedly weird little girls having been one myself-and bonus points when theyre extra weird for being just a Little Creature (also! lampreys are a species which feed on blood and have a ton of (horrific) rows of teeth, so anything is possible! they also have sharp tongues and saliva with some kind of anti-clotting property, which might be cool (if a little horrific) for ellie too 👀)


Having no idea that Ellie's teeth fall out and grow in so quickly, the first time she loses a tooth, they turn it into a big deal and tell her about the Tooth Mare-y (pun. I had to) and how kids get money/candy/etc. when they put a lost tooth under their pillow. This is a gigantic mistake (as they later realize). Ellie is ecstatic. They don't realize why, until they realize she practically loses a tooth every week. Thing is, living on the run/as a feral gremlin child for so long means Ellie is a pretty light sleeper (gotta know when the farmers are approaching with their pitchforks and whatnot so you can wake up and skedaddle). So, in addition to being run out of house and home for "compensation" for Ellie's teeth every time one falls out, they have a HELL of a time replacing the tooth under her pillow with money or candy. Despite El arguably having the sneakiest/stealthiest pair of parents in the world, they're given a run for their money trying to do the switch without waking her up. (I imagine at one point that Monte brings up the idea of just coming clean to her so they can stop this whole mess, and Smokescreen puts a stop to that quickly. She's already been through a lot for a kid, she should have some normal kid stuff and traditions -- even if the Tooth Mare-y visits their house much more often than other foals'. This also provides Smoky a reason to keep a candy stash in the house when they start to give Ellie candy instead of cash for teeth, realizing they'll soon go broke otherwise.) For fun, additional horror: Ellie having multiple rows of sharp teeth might not seem conducive for a blood-sucker, but consider: hollow teeth. Teeth straws. Teeth straws for sucking blood. Horrifying image? You're welcome.


Even when the boys switch to candy as a reward, Ellie has still saved up enough to buy something kind of big from when her teeth were worth money. Idk what she buys but it's so not what normal kids would get that it's kind of unsettling. (think along the lines of, like, a chainsaw or something because 'it has cool teeth like mine!'). Or, if you want it to hurt, she buys socks because she vividly remembers having cold feet when homeless, as she casually tells her dad's when they ask why she spent her fun money on clothes they would get her anyway. Cue the OUCHIES of the heart when they hear that.