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Doe! A deer! A female deer~

well of course these two chumps made it into Fuzzbutts. for all my frustrations with Moondancer, i'm still attached to his twerpy twinky self. Although in this story he's no longer a serial killer, he remains- quite dutifully- a huge bitch. Meet Lune and Victoria.

Lune (pronounced "loon". Male, Red Deer). Lune is a professional ballet dancer that has become the indie darling of local theatre. While it is indeed a glamorous, deeply fulfilling career, it doesn't pay beans, so he and his sister share a room at Penny's boarding house. Lune has something of a love/hate relationship with dear Pendleton. As fellow theatre people, their natural instinct is both be catty and competitive at each other, while occasionally having an impromptu sing-off of Skimbleshanks The Railway Cat. Lune likes to think of himself as above Penny's childish antics, yet often ends up roped into her shenanigans. He does maintain that she is a terrible landlord, though he has a much more amicable relationship with Cupcake.

Lune has a rare genetic pattern called leucism, giving him that white pelt. He's pretty and he knows it, quite enjoying the attention he gets from ballet fans and admirers alike......except when said attention comes from Logan. Urgh.

Victoria (Female, Red Deer) Mostly goes by "V", please don't call her Vicky. Lune's headstrong younger sister. Victoria is a kind, confident doe with a strong sense of justice. Her studies thus far have focused on social issues, and she hopes to go into local politics someday. For now though, she's content designing costumes for Lune and his various theater productions, as well as painting sets, crafting marionettes, and hosting puppet shows for children. Victoria is a deeply creative, passionate person, and Lune wishes he could provide her with more than community college, a dingy local theater, and a cramped room in a shabby boarding house. Guilty and concerned, he often urges her to return home, back to their parents, but Victoria insists she's having fun, and that there's nowhere else she's rather be.

Lune and Victoria are both estranged from their family for reasons unknown. Lune is overprotective of his little sister and often lacks faith in her abilities, which pisses Victoria right off. The siblings are known to butt heads quite literally. Fortunately, Victoria is the only person Lune can manage an apology for, and Victoria will accept it with a sigh. Because she loves her brother, even if he is a huge bitch.

Like Lune, Victoria also has an unusual genetic pattern. She's piebald, resulting in those white splotches. The two siblings certainly stick out in a herd of red deer.

more notes:

-Although Victoria did not study ballet to the degree Lune did, she's a pretty skilled, graceful dancer in her own right. The two siblings sometimes dance together whenever Penny insists on hosting a talent night.

-Both sibs frequently forget to eat, mostly because they both suck at cooking. Cupcake is forever sniffing both of them out and intimidating one or the other into eating a meal she made, be it oatmeal and berries or dandelion salad or strawberry cake (that last one actually gets both sibs stampeding into the kitchen, forks at the ready).

-Victoria is a disaster lesbian, Lune uses no particular label, but will accept "queer"

-Victoria has a very prominent stammer when she gets nervous. It's common for herbivores like deer, who are known for their "freeze" instinct in response to perceived danger. Lune will gore anyone that makes fun or tries to rush her to spit the words out.




I love these designs, especially Lune's. He's so pretty! Honestly I'm just happy he's pursuing his passions instead of shoving them aside like Moondancer did. Originally in this comment I suggested the prehistoric psuedo-hoof thing but my brain must've glossed over you mentioning that you already tried that, whoops. I guess it would be kinda cool to see horses as one of the feral animals in your universe then maybe?

Melody Williamson

I noticed you've put shapes next to all the characters. Do they have any meaning?


Shape language is an important aspect of character design. :) Each character's body was designed with a particular shape (or multiple) in mind. Cupcake's design consists of many circles, which hopefully help her like round and cuddly. Penny's design is made of many triangles, which help her look sharp and impish. Each character's main shape is drawn represented right next to them.