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It's Pandora and Cupcake! In animal form!....Well, different animal forms, I mean.

I decided to redo Cupcake. I rounded out her bulky rectangle body and changed her color palette. Cupcake just doesn't feel like Cupcake without her cutesy-wutesy warm colors. Initially I wanted to keep the animal characters similar in coloration to their real-world counterparts, but the fact is most land mammals are some shade of grey or brown, meaning I was gonna eventually end up in a sea of dull-colored furries. I still intend to keep the characters (relatively) reasonably colored, but I think I can deviate every now and then. Besides, "blonde" grizzly bears exist in real life. >:O Penny's tail and hair are dyed.

u like cupcake's death metal band name? maul mayhem? like mall mayhem? get it? hurrhurr took me like twenty minutes to come up with sorry animal puns are hard okay

So this is Pandora's little furry export, Penny. It's short for Pendleton, not Penelope, and she will get huffy if you get it wrong. Magic does not exist in the world of Fuzzbutts, but that doesn't mean Pendleton Pennigan Prosimian is your ordinary ring-tailed lemur.

I mentioned Bruce lives in an apartment complex with his roommate Sunny and various neighbors, but I decided to change it to a boarding house. Said boarding house is owned by Penny, who inherited it when her grandmother unexpectedly kicked the bucket, saddling Pen with a shabby old building and a gaggle of odd tenants. Penny was.....not happy about this.

Penny, you see, is an aspiring thespian! Or at least, she was. Turns out steady acting work is hard to come by, especially for a lemur. No matter how well Pen can sing or dance or tell a knock-knock joke, it seems audiences like an actor on stage big enough to actually see from their seat. Poo. While Pen has never quite given up her acting dreams, she still had bills to pay, so she went into a line of work that never has a shortage of openings- children's entertainment. Pen is a performer and a professional clown, and she can do everything from making balloon animal-people to juggling knives. While it wasn't the most fulfilling career (children like pulling her tail far too much), it was still fun and challenging enough, especially aided by her "bear-ry" best friend Cupcake, whom she met at clown college. Cupcake was studying to learn the ways of comedy, which Penny doesn't get, because she finds Cupcake hilarious without the bear even trying. Penny was actually settling into her life, feeling happy, maybe considering finally asking Cupcake out- when good ol' Granny Pennigan Prosimian croaked and left her stuck with a literal animal house.

And so, Penny became a landlady (land-lemur). It's a tough job, because nobody likes landlords, and Penny fervently, desperately needs to be liked. She insists on knowing each of her boarders personally and insisting on them all acting like one big happy family, complete with potluck dinners and birthday celebrations and movie nights- which tends to only annoy her tenants. She's got a lot of Michael Scott energy, for all my Office fans out there. As Penny once was a broke youngster scraping to get by, she purposefully keeps rent low. She believes in offering her tenants low-cost living......uh, in exchange for low-effort land-lording, of course. As Penny doesn't know jack shit about maintaining property or actually getting people to pay their rent, she brought Cupcake along as an assistant. Cupcake does minor repairs around the boarding house, cooks meals, terrifies the boarders into following house rules, and generally keeps Penny from doing anything too stupid.

Penny's gender identity is kinda ambiguous, and she refers to herself with varying pronouns. She is very, very, very queer, and as such her boarding house tends to attract all manner of queer animal-folk. She's 100% theater kid, melodramatic, excitable, and prone to bursting into song and dance. She is often found riding around on Cupcake's shoulder, discreetly eavesdropping on her boarders, and sunbathing on the roof. She's become quite fond of teasing Bruce, one of her newest tenants.






This redesign of cupcake is amazing!