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pffft y'all gonna get this comic panel by panel at the rate i'm goin

(jk, only page 1 is drawn this detailed, just cuz it's the first page and i couldn't resist drawing pretty ponies for the official debut)

Besides hairdressing, Magnolia May moonlights as a florist. A somewhat nosy, love advice-dispensing florist. I imagine when Skyla asked which flowers were best for a casual date invitation, Magnolia was secretly like for me, right? Is for me? Yes? ....No? haha what the FUCK




Aaaaaaaand I am quickly reminded why Mags is my fav.


hahaha I can't wait for it to cut to a flusted/terrified/confused Skyla after gathering all of this very scary information or perhaps she's cool and collected, and only upon seeing Peachy she's like "oh no is this really happening" (still hella gorgeous wtff)


When magnolia finds out the flowers were for peachy she's simultaneously jealous and unspeakably happy and supportive for her cousin who 100000% deserves happiness. "Well... If it's *you*," Magnolia sighs wistfully as she stares at a familiar bouquet of daisies on Peachy's kitchen table, "I suppose it's all right....But!" She demands, swivelling in her seat to point an accusing hoof at her rosy-cheeked cousin as she set up a plate of appetizers, "You *must* tell me everything!" (Meanwhile, Magnolia has no qualms about threatening royalty if they dare to break Peachy's heart. Hell hath no fury like a protective Maggie May.)


Aaahh so pretty! I'm going to faint!