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I've been working out a lot this week, and I like to have netflix on in the background while i build mah buns. Yesterday I happened across the MLP episode with the Appleloosa character Troubleshoes Clyde, who is such an absolute delight I wondered why I'd never drawn him before. Coincidentally, someone pointed out that in my Twicord stuff, I named a few characters that Twilight dates outside of Discord, but I didn't mention any of Discord's potential paramours. 

so here ya go

Discord picks date mates based entirely on how entertaining they'll be. Mister Troubleshoes Clyde has a peculiar quirk going on with his earth pony magic, typically manifesting as clumsiness and "bad luck". The dude is a great big chaos magnet, so naturally, Discord is fascinated when he runs into the fella riding the rails. This works out just fine when Troubleshoes finds himself somewhat enjoying the company...

Discord is a rather bit softer on his big klutzy bf than he is with Twilight, endlessly showering Trouble with affection and compliments. Sometimes this is a bad thing:






pffff same energy as this: https://i.imgur.com/JVA1F2v.jpg


"Celestia knows I think you're one handsome feller, but I'm sure you won't feel the same. I understand if you laugh in my face. You wouldn't be the first, and you won't be the last."


AWW SWEET BABY I would love to see more of him some time. I'm fond of him too.


I love the vitiligo look for his stripes. very creative