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someone said these two would make cute babies so i drew this scribble

Pharynx and Blueblood are both well into middle age (Blueblood's in his fifties), and neither want more children. Pharynx considers raising Ocellus to be enough parenthood for a lifetime, and Blueblood has a lot of pent-up angst/frustration over having watched Vogue grow up from the sidelines. Additionally, changelings cannot reproduce without true love to trigger an egg cycle, and these two......have a ways to go get to being in "true love". Lots of hurdles for these two having more kids.....but I'm the writer and I can do want I want haha

Were Pharynx to spontaneously produce offspring with Blueblood, this would be a big, big, BIG scandal in Canterlot. For one, Blueblood comes from a long line of pure-blooded unicorns, and now he has "tainted" his noble family lineage with monstrous insect riffraff. Additionally, these grubs were born out of wedlock, a huge no-no among nobles, who place immense importance on clean, well-documented family trees. For a noble- especially a royal like Blueblood- to sire a child out of marriage, would be considered scandalous and low-class. Thirdly, Canterlot nobility still has a pretty stubborn undercurrent of xenophobia and homophobia, so children born to a mixed-race queer couple are gonna have a rough time among snooty rich unicorns. Also, the babies drool acid and eat everything they can fit in their mouth....BB's gonna have trouble keeping a nanny on board.

I imagine Pharynx is saying something like "If you thought changelings were good at draining love, you should see how we handle getting our child support checks."

this is all very not canon but i named the one on Blueblood's head Jewel




They were not wrong 😍


I saw grey streaks in BlueBlood is he the type to let his hair go grey?


His mane’s been going grey for years, he’s just been dying it. I imagine tho something would happen to make him forget to attend his monthly salon appointment ....such as his bodyguard telling him he just laid a batch of eggs


Lol right on


$10 says you get attached to Jewel


Oh? OH? Think I'm gonna get attached to Jewel, huh? Think you know me? Think I'm gonna get attached to all three grubs? Think I'm gonna conceive a big dumb melodramatic story where Pharynx gets sick and tired of him and the babies getting treated like Blueblood's dirty little secret? And threatens to leave forever? Prompting Blueblood to choose between his precious privilege/reputation and his newfound family? And possibly have dramatic declarations of love in the rain? And reckless kisses? With Blueblood then proudly officially announcing his family to the shocked nobles? Which maybe impresses Vogue a little? Who is then happy to meet her little sibbies? You think I've already thought about all that, huh? Think I'm so predictable? W-well you're WRONG


XD hahaha ho boi. Shenanigans ensue! My changling oc could easily handle these rambunctious lil beans.


“this is all very not canon but i named the one on Blueblood's head Jewel” LOL, you’re like me. I promise myself I won’t get attached to characters...then I name them.


btw since we're naming them...how bout...jewel....gem...and jade...


LOVE IT but no way is Pharynx letting all three have namby-pamby pony names, he’d def try to name one Pincer or Mandible or Bonecrusher or something (then be crushed when the bab adopts a cute pony name anyway)


"this is all very not canon" You say that now... Absolutely adorable pic : D


Aww, I love changeling grubs! They're so teeny and squishy! I wonder what their biology would be like as half unicorn, half changelings. Would they be less adept at camouflage magic than typical changelings, but also be able to perform a certain degree of unicorn magic?

cactus bastrop

i know you said that these nextgens aren't canon, but your talk about canterlot xenophobia/racism makes me wonder about chrysalis and celestia. was that not very popular with the nobility, or did it help normalize interspecies relationships/changelings being a part of society?


How can changelings even lay eggs if the queen does it for them? I'm sorry, I'm a little stupid, but how can they even have a child\children out of true love? and if they stop loving each other and then fall in love again the changeling will lay eggs again ? what if they don't even want grubs to be born?


Artemis were born when their parents weren't married. Although Luna herself is an aristocrat, and as Lop wrote, for aristocrats to give birth to a child from a paramour is a disgrace. Artie must have had trouble getting accepted into society. It's strange that it wasn't normalized after Artie was born.


hey aren't you that kid i blocked you sound a lot like that kid i blocked


I think that'd be the case. Shapeshifting doesn't come easily to them like it does with standard changelings, I imagine they have to strain to maintain a perfect illusion, otherwise the disguise is uncanny and flawed. Their grasp on unicorn magic is likewise pretty shaky, levitating a teacup is about the extent of their abilities there. Instead, I like to think they possess some sort of new magic unique to hybrids, perhaps power over various elements of nature. Perhaps one has an affinity for making flowers instantly bloom, another has the power to control water, and the other produces nectar that can cure various illnesses. Y'know, fairy/nymph type stuff.


Might I suggest Pistachio as the name for the baby on the right?

Curio Blue

I'm imagining those babbus as (left to right) Lemon Drop, Jewelbug , and as WintersWrath said, Pistachio Creme


this has me in stitches, oh boy "Blueblood has a lot of pent-up angst/frustration over having watched Vogue grow up from the sidelines" *Moondancer screams incoherently into the void in a mixture of rage and jealousy. Blueblood, many miles away, feels a shiver go down his spine for no discernible reason.* "For one, Blueblood comes from a long line of pure-blooded unicorns, and now he has "tainted" his noble family lineage with monstrous insect riffraff." Lmao *looks pointedly at that time when he slept with a disgraced traveling showmare* *looks pointedly at Celestia's 'royal' line and her monstrous, insect wife* "Additionally, these grubs were born out of wedlock, a huge no-no among nobles, who place immense importance on clean, well-documented family trees. For a noble- especially a royal like Blueblood- to sire a child out of marriage, would be considered scandalous and low-class." little do the nobles know that this isn't the first or even second time Blueblood has sired a bastard, lmao Trixie and Vogue are either hoof-bumping or setting something on fire right about now, methinks Also, got me thinking -- did Luna marry Arte's dad, or were they just good ol buddies ol pals ol friends with benefits and a love of the night sky? "Thirdly, Canterlot nobility still has a pretty stubborn undercurrent of xenophobia and homophobia, so children born to a mixed-race queer couple are gonna have a rough time among snooty rich unicorns." I cannot *wait* to watch Irie and Arte eat their faces, lemme go get some popcorn One noble to another, both absolutely exhasted: Why are 3/5 alicorn princesses monster fuckers. What did we do to deserve this. The other noble: Well technically if you consider that brief stint Princess Flurry Heart is rumored to have had with the Dragon Lord Ember it's more like 4/5 --

Dragon Turtle

I always forget how cool you make adult changelings, and adorable you make the kids. Until you draw a new one again!