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super quick wip before bed

chakra and midnight, back in the good old days. i imagine their convo is going something like

"Of course I had to sneak out. My stupid moms woulda flipped their shit if they knew I was hangin' out with some delinquent hippie. Plus they think you're tryin' to get into my pants."

"Hm, nasty. Ain't you like twelve?"

"I'm twenty, ass clown. You know that."

"Still gross. It'd be like.....like tryin' to pork my goddamned sister.  I mean tha's what you are to me, practic'ly."

"Hm, that's......uncharacteristically sweet of yo-"

"Yer moms though? I'd smash em like a goddamned wrecking ball. In a heartbeat. Right on their spiffy mahogany coffee table."

"Ah, there we go."




Question is Chakra gay? Or is he b/pani?


Chakra is bi. He'd probably call himself "equal opportunity", or a ladies man, whatever to make himself sound cool. He likes ladies just fine, though he does prefer dudes. He gets around a lot, but is ultimately afraid of true intimacy. His orientation isn't really related to his disinterest in Midnight, though. They simply can't see each other that way, they practically grew up together. They're best friends, and at present, the only space for each other to be their true selves. Chakra wouldn't pursue Midnight because he actually....respects her, which says a lot about how he views his romantic partners. Midnight of course is ace, though a part of her kinda relishes her moms' horror at the idea she might be dating a delinquent.