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Take 2! Pandora rips herself in half via magical mitosis, becoming two new individuals composed of pure Order and Chaos. Both represent one half of Pan's personality pushed to the extreme. Justice vs Mayhem, Detachment vs Emotion, Control vs Freedom. Neither is inherently good nor evil, but they certainly are off-putting, and may or may not be considering a fight to the death.



Kyri Arriaga

Yaas! The colors nail the concept! I love how the rule-following side is so pale and yet rich in color. Reminds me of my buff-colored kitty. Your drawing's empty eyes consume my soul like a blackhole. And the emotional side is legit what I'd want to cosplay/dress up as for Halloween. She looks both viscous and seductive. Her eyes would likely turn me to stone if I made direct eye contact. Pure gorgeous work here, Miss Oddity!


Oh my goodness, I'm floored by these designs! I especially love Order's blank stare and pupil-less eyes, it really drives home the 'detachment' element of order. She may strive for unity and togetherness, but she clearly has no sympathy or interest in the affairs of mortals. They may object, they may cry, but all will be unified, whether they like it or not. Order knows what's best. And on the other end of the spectrum, we have Chaos' flyaway hair, long, curvy horns, not to mention her deadly stare and bloodthirsty snarl. A perfect visual depiction of a creature who will get what she wants, when she wants it. No compromises, no holding back, ready to give Daddy Dearest, and the rest of Equestria a taste of true chaos. As always, marvelous work, Miss Oddity. This promises for a vicious, perhaps even deadly duel, and the fate of Equestria is in Pandora's paws.


I also noticed that you borrowed elements from Pandora's 'Lumina' form: the pupil-less eyes, the sparkling, glowing mane, the elongated horns and so forth. Very nice touches. :) Just one thing: it's a little difficult to see Chaos' nostrils. You don't have to fix it, of course, but if you have the time, may I recommend making her nostrils a bit more distinct?


Love, love, love the new design and idea. Order/superego Pan’s off putting nature is nearly palpable, yet harboured so well by her cool expression. I love chaotic Pan as well, but her expression gives off a more sinister malice than mayhem. Her design is beautiful, I’m just suggesting a more dangerous yet playful, or, even, “troll-like” expression to avoid people labeling them as good and evil, since they are neither. Just a suggestion, of course, and they’re gorgeous either way :)

That guy

Oh this will be intense.

Dragon Turtle

The use of purple for Eena reminds of the Adult Pandora Concept you put on DA, 5 years ago.