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quickie concept art, still needs tinkering with

planning a story where Pandora splits herself into two halves, Order and Chaos, and sends them to accomplish a task. The two need names....Orderly and Dis? Dora and Pan? idk

Dora represents the superego. She is moral, objective, and polite. She places immense emphasis on justice and strict control. She cannot feel emotion, she's more like an advanced AI attempting to simulate feelings- it comes off as unsettling and uncanny. There's lots of creepy details to her- she cannot smile, she doesn't seem to need to breathe, and thus can speak infinitely, even without opening her mouth. She views herself as a loyal servant to ponykind, which sometimes means steering her wayward little lambs into the path of goodness, with brute force if necessary. Be not afraid, my little pony.

Pan represents the id. She is Pandora's primitive urges made manifest. She holds all of Pandora's positive personality qualities- humor, joy, love- but also some of the nastier ones, like aggression, insecurity, and selfishness. She hates her other half, and is absolutely thrilled to have finally been released onto the world.

Both halves think they know what's best for Pandora, and are unwillingly to compromise or work together. 




That neck on id tho all i keep hearing is that audible "cRaCk". 😆


I LOVE this concept! My one gripe though- I believe her orderly half would be the EGO, not the superego. Even then, I’m tempted to say her orderly, protective side would be closer to the ID, and her emotional judgemental side would be closer to the ego. I believe Pan’s “perfect self”- a healthy balance of the two sides- would be her superego. I could also be wrong here, as I only have a loose concept of these terms from therapy and they still confuse me 😂

Kyri Arriaga

Wowsas! To have the concept of cognitive dissonance presented in this manner is powerful and beautiful. I'm excited to see where this goes. I feel invested in each character, but also the whole person and the aftereffects of splitting and rejoining. I humbly believe this is an excellent way to portray yin and yang.


Wow, this is a really interesting concept to explore! I've always been fascinated with psychology, especially the Id, Ego and Superego, and manifesting them as, shall we say, split personalities is a really intriguing way to explore the concept. I especially admire how you kept from making either side completely 'good'; Dora is logical and orderly, but perhaps a little too unsympathetic and forceful, while Pan is fun and creative, but also reckless, even a bit destructive. It's not healthy to stray too far to either side of the spectrum, we need to maintain a balance between the two. I'm interested to see where this concept goes. It seems like an interesting stepping stone on her path to achieve her 'Lumina' form, the perfect balance between order and chaos.


Actually, in psychology, the 'superego' is the mature, sensible personality, the one who says 'this is what you SHOULD do', while the 'id' is your goals and desires, the one who says 'this is what you WANT to do', sort of like the Angel and Devil on each shoulder. The typical person, meanwhile is the personality known as the 'Ego', the middle man who tries to maintain a balance between what we want and what we need. For example, the Superego says 'you shouldn't have any cake, you're on a diet', while the Id says 'I'm hungry! eat all of the cake!', so the Ego says 'let's compromise; I'll only eat a small piece of cake'. Likewise, Dora focuses on logic, with no emotion. She insists on what MUST be done, while Pan focuses on emotion, with no logic. She insists on what she WANTS to do. There should be some interesting outcomes to this study, and hopefully Pandora realizes that she needs both personalities, both order and chaos to be a properly functioning individual.


I am diggin' the psychological aspect to this one, 'cause I love me some Freudian junk. Also, love the dynamic pose for the Pan, the id. It's very fluid and fun,

Dragon Turtle

"Be not afraid." I assume that's an angel reference? One interpretation of that kind of line from the bible is that angels were so beautiful and terrifying, they had to make sure that the humans they met wouldn't just run away screaming.

Kyri Arriaga

Yes, we need balance! A lovely portrayal of the theme. Dare I say, this concept lends itself well to internal struggle in us all. Additionally, it reminds me of multiple personality disorder, which is often talked about in psych as rare and perhaps impossible. All of that being said, this is all fascinating concept art!