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up next is fluttershy

i drew inspiration from baby moose and deer fawn. Fluttershy I imagine as a very tall mare with lanky legs she never really quite grew into. They make her pretty clumsy in the air (and sometimes also on land, there's a reason her childhood bullies called her Klutztershy). Still, Shy can be pretty elegant sometimes (as long as nopony is watching).

also made her colors a little warmer and sandier, and she's got a deer like coat pattern

also attached a tweaked twilight, her old colors were bugging me, i made em more harmonious and lisa frank-y



Angsty Ram

Incredibly beautiful, Lop! I love her long coat, she genuinely looks as soft on the outside as she is inside. You mentioned that Twi was a secret smut writer, I can see Fluttershy reading hers but not particularly liking them. I can see them having book reading sessions and every time it’s brought up, that intense and critical side of Shy flares.


Yesssss to the comment above!!!!☝ Lop please drop a doodle on this!!


Eeee! I love her pink wings!


Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! She has a lamb/ewe quality to her that works so well with her soft, lovely demeanor.