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concept doodle for a larger piece i wanna do

Smoky's crush on Princess Iridescence is a story element I've gotten a bit of flak for. Irie, as y'all know, is Chrsalis' daughter, and if we are to believe that Chrysalis mothered all the changelings (which I do believe), that makes Irie and Smoky aunt and nephew, respectively. 

I don't believe that depicting an unpleasant idea in fiction necessarily translates into condoning it in real life, and I don't believe it's the job of authors to explicitly denounce bad things as bad, like in a children's afterschool drug special. Fiction should have nuance! But, as I've gotten older and given the story more thought, I do wonder why I felt the need to write in an incestuous crush. Although I've made it clear that that relationship will go nowhere beyond platonic, I still get people saying that ship it, or they're cute together and should date.

They are aunt and nephew. I feel like I've been a bit irresponsible in my writing. 

I didn't know what to do with Smoky's crush. It felt awkward to retcon, as I really do enjoy the unrequited pining aspect of his character. I thought about doing a scene where Irie lets him down gently, but I didn't want any misogynists to come out of the wood work, calling Irie a bitch for not giving a nice guy like Smoky a chance, starting up tedious discourse about the ethics of incest.....blegggh.

So it's kind of just been an elephant in the room. After giving it some thought, I think I've found a solution. Midnight will discover Smoky's crush-obsession, and the two will have a little heart-to-heart, because if Ponyville's spookiest witch finds something you do creepy, maybe you oughta give a listen. Smoky will dig in his heels and argue (at first), but I think ultimately this will further both their characters for the better. I already have the story outlined, I'm tentatively excited to do this story. As always, feedback is welcome and appreciated!




It is your story and headcannon and the ride has been very enjoyable so far. Do what you want. That being said, IMO once you start throwing out characters with the lifespan of centuries to immortality and then mix in the presence of magic of undefined capability, everyday human notions of what appropriate and inappropriate relationships are needs to get thrown out of the window. A lot of reasonable concerns such as genetic issues do not exist and emotional/religious issues can be worked through given the time spans involved. Your little stories that go with the images you make have been great so far and made sense to me at least. If people call you out for writing interesting situations from the viewpoint of characters whose morals do not necessarily line up with modern humans, they can stuff it.


That expression is glorious. And I reeaaaally hope people arguing for those kind of points want to keep it strictly in the realm of fiction.


I don't see anything wrong with this idea, Miss Oddity. It's kind of cute, actually. You have my support, and I'd love to see where this story goes. Just have fun, and don't worry about the naysayers. :)


Anyway, something that'll hopefully be useful: They're fictional characters, do whatever you want with them because ultimately the consequences are also fictional. Whatever you choose just make sure it's what you want to write and draw. Personally I can't enjoy media if the creator can't enjoy it themselves; it's just lacking, as long as you're excited for what you do then we can enjoy it too. Looking forward to the next one!