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More pegasus body language. Stormy is being very un-subtle here.

why don't you guys suggest dialogue for them?




"Oh hey, Bruce. Didn't see you there," *Expands wing* Nice day isnt it?" "Stormy, what the hell are you doing? Get your bloody keister up. We're going to be late." Or some mess like that idk lol That's what my brain came up with


Bruce- "...what are you doing?" Stormy looks up seductively - "nesting.." Bruce a little bewithered - "you're what?!" Stormy - "next I'm going to dance a dance to hypnotize you into my nest." Bruce blushing - "plan wont work if you've told me the plan..." Stormy - "it's already working... I promise to be gentle.." Bruce makes some unintelligible horse noises and tries to flee.


I have been following for a long time now, and i must say that i can see a huge improvement in the anatomy (both wings and body) and i think that you are doing great!!


Stormy: [effectively doing what amounts to a seductive dance...for a pegasus] "Here, get a good look at my feathers...how do they look? My mane? I'm using a new shampoo. How about my chest fluff? Or-" Bruce: [glances somewhere completely different and trying to hide his blush] "...you wot mate?"


I feel like this is right after a particularly difficult molt and Stormy is feeling gooood. Maybe a wee bit drunk on himself and his pretty, pretty wings. He’s like a girl with perfectly shaved, smooth legs and can’t help but admire how his feathers gleam and shine in the sunlight. So beautiful. So shiny. So sooooft. No more ugly itchy plucked chicken nubs. Oh Brucie, have you ever seen such beautiful wings? (Just look! No touchy. Admire from afar cause if innocent Bruce just rolls his eyes and pets it to humor his idiot vain bird horse friend and okay maybe the new feathers DO look invitingly soft, poor Stormy, fresh feathers as new and sensitive as they are now, will suddenly have a very big panic problem to deal with)


I think Stormy would definitely invite a touch or 6. How could he not share that silky softness? ;)