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A piece of a larger family tree I'm doing (the entirety of Nocturnus' and Willow's family, plus Chakra and Ash. You miiiight be learning a bit about Ash's mom too)

Anyway, these are the spellborn babs of the soldier bat duo, Umbra and Eclipse. Not 100% committed to the designs just yet. All three kiddos are named in honor of loved ones Umbra has lost.....

notes from RoboHeather:

 -When Primrose was a little filly, she assumed that her uncle Eclipse and uncle Umbra were married. They were always together and unconsciously treated each other like a romantic partner. Umbra was always finding reasons to cuddle up to "Clipsy", and while the other stallion acted like he didn't enjoy it he always blushed and didn't push him off right away. Eclipse would also be very protective over Umbra and motherhen him over the little things, and smile a little when he would hear Umbra laugh. They were her beloved uncles...imagine her heartbreak when one day the truth was revealed to her. Then imagine Eclipse's mortification when his teeny niece demanded to know why he wasn't married to uncle Umbra...right in front of Umbra...aaaaand then proceeded to list all the things she had observed about them over the years, including how Eclipse would stare at Umbra's flank every time he left the room...

- If Umbra and Eclipse ever decide to have a family down the line, I can see Umbra eagerly offering to be the mare (he is younger, after all) and wanting to have a huge family. Eclipse is a lot more practical and realistic about their lifestyle and while he wants a family too, he eventually makes Umbra understand that having one baby would make the most sense for them. Umbra eventually agrees to one baby, is magicked into a mare.....and then gets pregnant with triplets. Oops. So some drama there trying to figure out how to handle three babies and lifestyle changes and Eclipse being a mother hen from HELL fretting over his adorable, mega preggo husbo buuuut they eventually figure stuff out, and happily welcome their three beautiful babies. Also....I can see Umbra unexpectedly dealing with a mother hen Noct during his pregancy (in Noct's defense, Umbra is Willow's beloved baby brother and he always swore he'd watch over him and seeing adorable preggers!Umbra just triggered his protective instincts over precious brother-in-law. Umbra will eventually get sick of Noct and Eclipse's hovering and use Chakra as a unwilling guard dog so he can be alone for five damn minutes!)




Shooooot! Can't wait to see more about this! :D Love how they just unexpectedly get triplets XD Really love the designs!

Heather (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 01:14:29 I love them!!!!! Precious babies!!! Imma get my grubby hands all over um! >:D (and I love that one is named after Willow. I always figured if Umbra had a daughter he’d want to name her after his beloved sister and best friend)
2019-05-22 15:26:42 I love them!!!!! Precious babies!!! Imma get my grubby hands all over um! >:D (and I love that one is named after Willow. I always figured if Umbra had a daughter he’d want to name her after his beloved sister and best friend)

I love them!!!!! Precious babies!!! Imma get my grubby hands all over um! >:D (and I love that one is named after Willow. I always figured if Umbra had a daughter he’d want to name her after his beloved sister and best friend)


by all means, get ur grubby hands all over em! I think I'm gonna flesh Willow out a bit more too. I like the idea of her being really blunt- not in an unkind way, just a bit socially deaf- and therefore having terrible bedside manner. And she's got snark for days


Just dropped some Batfam headcanons your way ;P Mostly Umbra flavored but I got some for the others and Willow cooking