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Duke Blueblood and his illegitimate babs

funfact: Moondancer's name (and surname) are considered very noble and traditional....for unicorn mares. See, using her tarot cards, Trixie predicted she'd be having a girl......and was later too stubborn to abandon the pretty name she'd picked out. Moony doesn't mind that much, though he does get teased sometimes (it's about the human equivalent of a young man having an old lady name, like Ethel or Mildred)

Moony’s full name is something like Moondancer Lula Luna Tallulah for maximum ridiculousness 

funfact2: Although Vogue is Blueblood's selected successor, Moondancer is Blueblood's firstborn child. Moony is technically (low-ranking and unrecognized) royalty, and could make an honest bid at inheriting Blueblood's title and estate. Moondancer technically outranks Vogue and is something like 12th in line for the throne (behind the governing royals and their heirs, eg. Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Iridescence, Artemis, etc). 

Not that Moony knows any of this, of course.....for now, he and Vogue know nothing of their half-sibling's existence.




I hope you have them meet at some point! It would be pretty interesting. And even if Moondancer is a "mares" name, it totally fits him XD


well, I think Tallulah is a wonderful surname, and I think Moony is an adorable little marshmallow. shame on those bullies for teasing him.

That guy

Such beautiful curls they have!


Lol, duke Vladimir :D.