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Because she was raised in a very sheltered space where she was often the smartest (or at least the most talkative) voice in the classroom, Honey has a teeeny habit of assuming other people aren’t quite on her intellectual level. Mal is Topher’s sleepy-eyed roommate who seems to be a bit of a layabout (quite typical for a feline, Honey thinks), but Honey likes her anyway, and would like to recommend her a wonderful introductory work from her very favorite author! Something to stimulate Mal’s brain just a bit better than Topher’s rantings or their dreadful dope-smoking, goodness!

Mal is almost twice Honey’s age and has a Ph.D, not that Honey would know that. Still, she hasn’t set foot on a university campus in ages, she’s a little rusty at dissecting literature, but she’s always down to have a good discussion with a friend. Honey, meanwhile, hasn’t actually cracked open the book since high school and is feeling just a teensy bit out of her depth.

Mal: yeah I don’t have a real opinion on that sorry

Mal: *gives a two hour lecture*




Obsessed with this and it’s making me deep dive on Wikipedia about Ayn Rand and objectivism. Would you mind maybe attaching Mal’s thought bubble where none of it is obscured? I love literary analysis and I love Mal


No problem! She says "h'oh yeah, I remember readin' that shit in middle school. Can't say I have a lot to say about it, like it's a decent baby's first dystopian novel, but the premise is squandered on the tedious writing style and maladroit themes. Not to say I think collectivism is beyond critique, 'cuz person identity an' liberty are hella important, but I can't help but feel that the author's own traumatic past is what led to her penning a virulent repudiation of socialism that mutates into an overcorrected ethos on selfishness qua individualism. The narrative functions as a propagandistic vehicle for objectivist philosophy, which I of course do not fuck with from like a purely empathetic perspective. But barring my personal opinion, the author's pontification is damaged by her frequent syllogisms, which are unfortunately a running defect throughout her body of work. And for the narrative's obsession with ego, ain't it interesting that the only female character has no autonomy or personality besidss agreeing with the male protag an' havin' his babies at the end? And that's not even gettin' into the stitled dialogue, the flawed worldbuilding, the disdain for service workers-"


With every post of Mal I fall more in love with her 💞😭 Also I just noticed noticed her tail and I love how it lightens at the end