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Suzy mentally congratulated herself for finally finding the perfect pair of bikini bottoms to wear to the party, especially after she’d only had to squeeze in and out of six other pairs to make her decision! She had always been a bit of a fashionista, but this time she was especially anxious to pick the perfect outfit for the occasion. The pool party was gonna be her chance for everyone to meet her new boyfriend: a Tiny!

Sure, a lot of other girls simply used Tinies like toys whenever the need took them, but not Suzy. She adored James, for his defiantly sharp wit most of all. In turn, he seemed to enjoy just how affectionate she could be, even when she was (accidentally or otherwise) overwhelming him with her enormous body. They'd even made a game of it: anytime she got sick of his smartmouthing, she’d throw her weight around until it ended up right on top of him. She’d rile him up by sitting a little too close, or "accidentally" brushing against him, or giving his whole body a big squishy hug against her soft chest. Of course, all her teasing would only get him more and more excited, and their banter would continue until one of them couldn’t keep their hands off the other. Usually their flirting ended with James stuffed into Suzy’s cleavage, or even the back of her pants. Suzy loved having someone so small doting over every square inch of her body, so she always tried to tease and indulge James wherever she could. Which was why she’d set him on her bed so he could watch (and drool) as she got changed.

James’ small voice called from below, “You, uh, almost done yet, Suze? We’re already running late.” James sat naked on her bed and waited for her to finish admiring her stylish choice of bikini bottoms in the mirror, but he wouldn’t dare complain. Really, how could he be upset when he was being treated to the sight of is gorgeous, half-naked, giant girlfriend parading around in skimpy bikinis? Of course, that didn’t stop him from poking fun, “Or should I call and let them know that they can expect us tomorrow night at the earliest?”

“Just wait a couple more minutes. I’m aaalmost done, promise,” Suzy reassured for the umpteenth time that morning. “Plus you couldn’t even reach the phone, dummy!” She stuck her tongue out at James in the mirror, before noticing her hair was a mess. She turned and reached over her bed for the hairbrush she had left there. First her golden locks of hair fell around James like a silken waterfall, then her gigantic chest loomed gently overhead as she casually eclipsed him with her body. James couldn’t help but gawp up at the incredible view: he never got tired of the way his girlfriend’s semi-truck-sized tits wobbled and bounced with every little movement she made.

After grabbing her hairbrush, Suzy glanced down and smiled at the way James was gawping at her. “What’s the matter, babe? Would you rather I get a little lower?” Suzy coquettishly dipped her chest towards James until a puffy pink nipple, gently swaying from her movements, nearly slapped him in the head.

James caught himself before he started drooling, remembering the party. “Tempting, but we should really hurry up and get going.”

Pretending to pout, Suzy puckered her full lips while giving her chest an inviting wiggle as she ran the brush through her hair. “Aw c’mon. You didn’t say no to a couple of squishes from these babies last night!”

“That’s cause we still had time to kill,” James rebutted, trying not to stare at all the jiggling Suzy was doing, “Which we would’ve still had today if it weren’t for all your dawdling.”

“Hmph, suit yourself then. Your loss,” Suzy said as she stood up and returned to the mirror to fix her hair, a clear hint of disappointment in her voice. Eventually she paused, realizing that James was still naked too. “And what about you, Mr. ‘No-Time-For-Fun?’ You’ve got less clothes on than I do right now.”

“Yeah, but I’ll still be ready to go waaaaay before you,” James calmly retorted while standing up to stretch and enjoy the sight of her enormous round ass. “First off, I’m a Tiny, so it’s not like I anyone will even notice what I’m wearing when I stand next to you. Secondly--and most importantly--I’m not nearly as picky as you. I’ll just throw on my lucky swim-shorts and boom, done. I bet at this rate I could walk to the party myself and still get there before you do.”

“Well har-dee-har, smartass.” Suzy playfully scoffed, wiggling her hips for James to enjoy as she spoke. “Keep sassing me and you just might be walking, unless I decide I still feel like carrying you.”

James grinned, his eyes following her rump’s every movement. They both knew Suzy would never give up the chance to carry him somewhere: she always had too much fun playing with him along the way. “Darn, is the Fatass Express going out of business?”

“Funny.” Suzy harrumphed before firmly plopping back onto the bed, shaking it enough to easily knock James off his feet. It was one of her typical responses to his smacktalk, at least without flat-out squishing him (since apparently there was no time for that). “Now how’s about you put that smart mouth to use and help me pick out a top? Or would you rather be the one to carry me and my fat ass to the party for a change?” Adding to her quip, Suzy gave her bubble butt a quick smack, making the round slope of one giant cheek wobble threateningly in front of James.

Knowing better than to poke the bear too much, James laughed and held his hands up in surrender, but that still didn’t stop him from enjoying the view. “Alright, alright. Point taken. I think we’d both get there sooner with you doing the carrying anyway… So where are these tops you want to choose from?

After taking a moment to try and recall where she last moved all her tops (she was never the most organized person), Suzy remembered she’d stuffed them into the dresser at the foot of her bed. “Ah, over there!” Suzy eagerly lunged toward the dresser, sprawling her entire body along bed to just barely reach it.

James’ eyes widened as he watched a gigantic bouncing boob plummeting towards him. “Suzy wai--mmrpphh!!” He barely had a chance to let out a peep before his body was completely squashed and enveloped by his girlfriend’s enormous melon. As the mattress recoiled from Suzy’s sudden movement, James felt her soft, perfumed flesh bounce on him a few times before eventually settling in place atop him.

Blissfully unaware of her boyfriend stuck between a rack and a soft place, Suzy rummaged through a drawer. She threw a few options onto her bedsheets, lazily kicking her feet off the edge of her bed as her pile of choices grew. “So, what do you think: something chic, or something flashy? ...Hello???” Confused by James’s uncharacteristic silence, Suzy turned her head back and forth, scanning the bed for him while gently shifting her body. Her bosom wobbled left and right as she searched, grinding James into her bedspread as she went.

Suzy’s search eventually came to an end when she recognized the familiar sensation of James’s voice buzzing beneath her sensitive breast, letting her know he was pinned under her again. For a moment, she felt bad for accidentally squishing him, but the stimulating position reminded Suzy of yesterday’s romantic night they had spent together, bringing a blush to her face. Surely James wouldn’t mind if they had just a little fun before they left, she figured, and what a perfect chance to get some friendly payback for all his backtalk earlier. Besides, it’s not like James ever complained about getting another facefull (and then some) of her huge melons!

Casually resting her head on a hand, Suzy gave a lusty smile. “Well, well, well.~ Looks like somebody won’t be getting dressed before me after all, not unless I get up first.” Making her point, Suzy lifted herself up just enough to pull most of her breast’s weight off of James while still keeping him pinned beneath it. Just as James thought Suzy was getting up, she dropped her full weight on him again, squashing him and his attempts to squirm loose. “But, since I ‘dawdle’ so much, it could be a loooong time before I do, haha.” Suzy gently rubbed herself against the bed, smearing James with her overabundance of soft flesh. Suzy’s grin widened as she recognized the welcome feeling of a tiny cock stiffening against her skin, clearly pinning for more. She could feel James grumbling against her, complaining that she made her point and can stop already, but she knew a part of him was enjoying this just as much as she was.

Savoring her proximity to her little boyfriend, Suzy snickered, “Now sit tight, I still need to pick out something to wear!” Staying put as promised, she reached over and pulled something from her pile of bikini tops. Suzy couldn’t believe her luck: it was an old top of hers she thought she lost, and it was so cute! It looked a little small, but she had to put it on, if only to give James something to look at. She happily hummed to herself as she started tying the bikini strings around the back of her neck, already smiling at the thought of James staring at her and her cute top all night long.

Meanwhile, still stuck under Suzy, James couldn’t help but wonder how much longer it would take before she was finally ready to go. All her jiggling was starting to get him more than a little flustered, and he knew he was going to have to spend plenty of time ogling her as she pranced around at the pool party as it was. Hopefully he could hold out that long...

Stay tuned for part 2!



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