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"You go on ahead and enjoy the waterslide girls, I’m gonna rest for a bit!” Denise assured her group of bubbly friends as they bounced off without her. Phew! Hanging out at the water park all day had been great, but Denise needed a break from standing on her feet. It was one of the best and biggest waterparks in the city, built for both tiny-people and regular sized people (though Denise had always complained that the tiny-only areas looked like they got the better slides), but she was tired from walking and swimming all day.

Wasting no time, Denise strolled to the poolside seating area and plopped herself onto the nearest available piece of furniture she saw, landing with a visible bounce. She spent a moment fidgeting in place, getting herself comfortable before letting out a prolonged sigh of relief.

For the next few minutes, all was right in Denise’s world: the warm sun was baking her skin into a beautiful bronze, causing her sweat to form an alluring glisten, and she caught a couple cute boys stealing glances at her new swimsuit from across the park. It was a good day… except for that annoying buzzing she’d been feeling beneath her butt ever since she sat down. What’s the deal with that? Just as Denise started considering moving to a more comfotable seat, she saw two of her friends heading back.

“Hey girls!” Denise sang playfully. “Sorry, but looks like I got the last open chair, so you’ll have to stand. Ha!” Feeling proud of herself for grabbing a seat when the getting was good, Denise wiggled in place, smugly bouncing and grinding her creamy buttocks across the hard surface.

Both her friends rolled their eyes, before one glanced to where Denise was sitting and chuckled, “Uh, you DO know you’re sitting in a spot reserved for tinies, right?”

Denise blinked cutely before looking over her shoulder, “I am?” Now that she was paying attention, she noticed the fairly obvious “TINIES ONLY!” sign behind her, which pointed right where she was sitting. Apparently, what she had clumsily mistaken for a chair was actually an entire seating block reserved for tiny park-goers who didn’t want to wait around next to bigger people’s feet. And Denise, in her carelessness, had plopped her huge ass right on top of it. Not wanting to admit her blatant mistake, Denise lightly rocked her enormous hips over the flat surface as she huffed, "Uh, yeah! So? I knew that!"

Denise’s friend snickered, “Did you even check if anyone else was already there before you sat your fat butt down?” Denise blushed very slightly: the thought hadn’t occurred to her at all, obviously.

Glancing over her shoulder, Denise couldn't lie, "Mmmm, no... but I'm pretty sure nobody was sitting here!" Not wanting to prove her friends right, she hesitantly lifted her massive butt by a few inches and glanced down. With some embarrassment she saw that the seating area had in fact been occupied by several tiny people, most of whom were now hopelessly flattened to the ground or her wobbling skin. Denise, caught in her lie, mumbled in admission, "Okay, maybe there were a few..."

One of Denise’s friends helpfully noted with a hint of amusement, “There’s one stuck in your buttcrack too, Denise!”

Indeed, one particular tiny had the misfortune of being caught directly under Denise’s soft, enveloping ass crack as she sat down, and now he remained wedged there as she got up. Denise blushed slightly as she felt his muffled cries of frustration vibrating against her doughy flesh. “Oops… well, I guess that explains the buzzing I felt earlier.” Denise was too busy feeling embarrassed to help the tiny man, though, and she left him to jiggle helplessly between her cheeks as she surveyed the damage.

Denise’s humongous ass hovered precariously above the “chair” as she looked around for another possible place to sit, but it appeared that everywhere else was taken by other park-goers. On the plus side, it seemed like nobody else had noticed her blunder yet. Aside from her friends and the people beneath her, of course… Denise looked back at the tinies who were squirming and trying to peel themselves from the sitting area or from her ass, then she turned to her friends, “You don’t think they’d mind, like, sharing a seat with me for just a little while longer do you?”

Both of her friends shrugged carelessly, “I don’t see why not, it's not like there's anywhere else to sit!” Denise, seeing the logic there, hesitantly lowered herself an inch, unwittingly smothering one unfortunate tiny who had been trapped beneath her mountainous right ass cheek before he could cry out for her to stop. A muffled chorus of angry shouts rose up as Denise's ass squished another man flat, causing her to pause and listen as she jiggled overtop several people.

“Yeah,” Denise’s other friend chimed in reassuringly, drowning out the tiny cries, “And, like, it's RUDE not to offer your chair to a girl anyway!” Several tiny voice tries to call out in disagreement from beneath Denise's huge muffling behind, but Denise and her friends weren't listening that closely anymore.

Feeling justified, Denise fell the rest of the way down, landing with a jiggle that silenced everyone who would have disagreed with her choice of seating. “Awesome, thanks guys!” Denise sang more to her friends than the tiny people she was now ‘sharing’ a seat with.

As she wobbled back and forth, Denise smiled happily, enjoying the warm sun and ignoring the faint buzzing beneath her. What a perfect day at the waterpark!



Kingbob Yap

By far my favorite post and I love the story


Glad to hear it! Would you mind telling me why it's your favorite? I'm always looking for feedback.


love when giantesses misunderstand or mislead to believe think the tinies are ok with or want to be crushed or worn