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Today it's the first episode of, Shogun! Anjin

Let's just say this show is quite different then anything we are use to 😬. But we’re hooked

Tell us your thoughts in the comments.




Please note that while we strive to provide an enjoyable viewing experience, our reaction videos may contain mature content such as profanity, nudity, and extreme gore, which we have censored in our reference footage. Viewer discretion is advised.




Yes I'm up for a marriage podcast!!! but I am not married loool 🤣

Keren Metz

I've already seen all available episodes twice but wanted to watch it with you guys as I am just so much a fan of this series as well as CCW! Although Shogun, the novel this series is based on, is fiction, it is based on historical events in the mid-to-late 1500s and early 1600s. It occurred during a period of European conflict, both political and religious (bet. Protestants & Catholics) as well as various civil wars in Japan. The main protagonist is based on real-life shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu. The Netflix series, The Age of Samurai, delves into this person and various events in Japan during this period. Like a lot of Asian Americans, I am wary about Hollywood films depicting Asian culture but this particular adaptation is just so spectacular and so much better than the original series made in the 70s. The main actor here, Mr. Sanada, also served as producer which ensured that every detail was as historically and culturally accurate as possible. I hope you get to watch the behind-the-scenes videos. Looking forward to your journey with watching this amazing show!

D&F Reacts

Wow I got chills reading this! Now I’m extra excited, thanks for the insight!