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The Ghost - Full Version.mp4

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Kelly Parks

This season the show aired an hour later than before, so the network gave them more leeway with sex and violence.


Season 4 aired and took place in 2016-2017 (remember Civil War took place in the antepenultimate episode of season 3) so yeah Fury was still off doing his own thing at this point, he's not the director as you sussed out. Speaking of which, the fact that this season is seven years old yet the AI stuff (or mimicry, as Radcliffe calls it) is more applicable and within reach than ever is wild lol. Re: Daisy, I don't think it's necessarily that May thinks the worst of her as it is she's pragmatic. She also provides a counterweight to Coulson, who of course has some rose-colored glasses when it comes to Daisy. Not that Daisy is bad, she's a net benefit to society, but currently she doesn't care much about collateral. For instance, we see that in her pursuit of taking away the Watchdogs' finances and escape routes, she demolished an entire bank, partially collapsed a bridge, caused multiple low-level earthquakes, and whatever else there presumably is that wasn't mentioned in dialogue. People likely have gotten hurt in the crossfire, plus property damage and inconveniencing the innocent people who needed to use the bank or bridge. Again, a net benefit! The Watchdogs should absolutely be pursued. But there is still ocllateral damage that she isn't really mitigating the way she once would have. Media and police reports I'm sure don't help her case either, which is all the info SHIELD team is privy to since Daisy isn't in contact with any of them (except Yo-Yo, who's keeping her secret). I don't think May *believes* the worst of Daisy, but she has to *consider* the worst. To say nothing of Daisy's *self*-destruction, including but not limited to her not wearing her gauntlets, thus allowing her powers to harm her for no reason other than she thinks she deserves it. The latter is a scene I really loved, where Ghost Rider is judging her. Here's a being who causes murder and mayhem — yet he rightfully deems Daisy unworthy of his wrath.


Great points Laurel! Very well explained about May and Daisy. I love how complex and interesting the characters are, that we can make insights like this!