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Vegas Con 2020.mp4

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Yeah the universe just was too mad at cas being killed that it gave us a plane scare and a pandemic, the universe really said cas is gone what even was the point in going on and I get it I really commend Mish on not spoiling the confession to us knowing how loose lips he always is, still he kinda spoiled it in a joking manner in one con but no one believed him lol.

Linda Moore

All the insanity surrounding this panel as well as the days afterwards is just unbelievable. I'm so incredibly grateful I STARTED the show in the pandemic and wasn't one of ones having to wait over SIX MONTHS to see how the show ended. 😩 The OG fandom were just incredible! ❤️

Sharon Owen

And that is why when I was behind with SPN I waited until we had an air date for the last eps to do my rewatch and catch up lol