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Nihilism - Full Version.mp4

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Great reaction, Shelley! I really love this episode, for a lot of the same reasons already discussed. It’s not necessarily my absolute favorite in the season, but it’s definitely top 3-5. This is the start of a great string of episodes for me, and, overall this is where the season picks up for me, despite me liking earlier episodes and moments, too. There are a lot of interesting things going on in Dean's head here, but just like the wish Dean had for Mary not to die in "What is and What Should Never Be" was just one wish and it’s possible outcomes, this is just one possible thing Dean would like, its not the only thing he wants, or even necessarily the thing he wants most. I actually really like Sam and Cass team-ups, too. on top of them teaming up for Dean's sake, I also just really like their energy together on screen, and have since around Season 9 when Cass learned to empathize with Sam by being human. And I loved seeing Sam just figuring sh*t out left and right in this episode. Jack wants to help so bad that everyone on TFW should have known it was inevitable that he’d tap into his soul to help them if he could.

Linda Moore

Absolutely love this episode, top 3 of S14 for sure. Your reaction was amazing! The first time watching this, when Sam said "Poughkeepsie" I literally got shivers!! Such an incredible callback. 😍 Michael screaming and pounding on the door in Dean's mind is such a powerful visual, and genuinely scary. That ending with Billy gives us SO many questions!! What did Dean read?! What makes him look like that? Fabulous reaction! ❤️


Yes, Michael banging around in the cooler/Dean’s mind. Cannot imagine how terrible that would feel. It was a great plot twist.


i feel the same about the season - love the eps before this but last episode and this one really ramp things up!