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Voices of Authority - Full Version.mp4

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Texas Anla'Shok

No, Brother Theo is old Draal. You're suspicious of Musante getting locked out of her quarters too, eh? And where does she get off saying "no need to rush"? She's the one who couldn't wait to get out of her clothes. And remember that ship? That's the one Catherine Sakai had a nearly fatal encounter with.


And that’s the same planet where she had the encounter. :)

Tony Tenser

Julie Musante is one of the most frightening characters in the whole series. She sounds like people in the UK government right now.

Peter Evans

Teenage me circa 1995: "Oh come off it, JMS! Do you really think that the threat of fascism is so unsubtle, so crassly obvious, and that people would really fall for people like Musante?" Me circa now: "Sigh. Story checks out." Four reasons why Zack likes Nightwatch: 1: 50 easy credits, am-I-rite? Hey let's grab a date and hit the B5 drive-in theatre! 2: Hot political chicks from Earth running hot and cold 3: Faint possibility of better uniform. 4: Er, no just three actually.

Peter Evans

I think I know one particularly of whom you speak. Ugh to the power of ugh.

David Sumner

Yeah, like check this out. Literally, a majority of college students today believe it's okay to shout down and forcibly silence public speakers they disagree with. How'd we get here? https://www.thecollegefix.com/overwhelming-majority-of-college-students-say-shouting-down-a-speaker-is-acceptable-survey/


Potential spoiler so don't read until well into S4--- The First One rep says, "Vorlon Na'voot Na'chogg!!" In hindsight, maybe it means, "Vorlons have lost their way!" or something similar, or even more damning...