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Nashville Con 2022, Part I.mp4

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Sharon Owen

Karaoke was definitely fun. What you do, if you want to sing - you put your name into a paper bag with 2 song choices on and they pick you at random (during the day on Friday). Your name comes up on the screen and you walk up. No phones allowed on stage, so I got my friend Alyssa to film me. Karaoke is actually free for all - even if you don't have a convention ticket, you just need to do a covid test. Which means if you want good seats you need to queue early. I was eating my first Chick Fil-A with Abby (who asked David/Adam the first question) whilst in line! Front Row ticket holders can get to keep their seat at karaoke though. David/Adam's panels are on par with Kim/Brianna's panel for adult humour most of the time. Nashville had about 12-1300 people I believe. I was talking with some Creation staff in the airport, who told me - they sat next to me whilst I was eating and editing my photos lol. It's a big con, from the sounds of it - Austin is going to be a huge turnout, lots of people I know are planning on going, so better keep an eye on those ticket release dates (won't be for a while yet though).


Nashville was my first con and it was AMAZING!!! i was the same way about David like you, dont like Ketch but David is so cool! cant wait for part 2. also yes, Brianna absolutely killed it performing Red!!


Love Brianna singing 😍 and yes people ship Mick & castiel, I'm one of those people, ever since mick told cas "i bet you can finish me off without breaking a sweat & cas replied with "i don't sweat under any circumstances" and then mick preceded to give cas his number i was sold on the ship, imagine those two trenchcoat wearing boyfriends so cute 🥰


Hahahaha I forgot about the video game character question! Oddly enough, it reminded me of Pedro Pascal on SNL doing the "Itssa me...Mario" https://youtu.be/UiIRlg4Xr5w


Yes CasMick is something you can find from time to time in fanfiction. I don't know how popular it is as a main ship, but I have seen it as like them being exs or side flirts or whatever. (I quickly looked it up and there are 84 fics tagged castiel/mick davis on ao3 rn.) Very important here also is that in the first scene he not just gives Cas his phone number, but he gives him his phone number right after Cas says he never break out in sweat (or something like that). It's always fun to see what David is wearing, because sometimes he goes for a tux or suit (which he did at the con that I went to and it was veeeery popular for the photo ops), but he also often goes for something wild or matching where he is. I know he was at a con in germany last year and he wore a Lederhose on one of the days.

Sharon Owen

It was great meeting you there as well. It was a great convention. I remember being blown away by Brianna's singing. I've heard her sing at other SNS, but this one is probably the best I've heard her. The song suits her so well.


It was great finally getting to meet you also!! Same, I've seen videos of her singing but seeing her sing in person, and that song!! Was so good!!

Beeba Smith

5:24 "He's Canadian?!" HA. If you've heard the Rob song "He's Canadian", then you'll know why I'm laughing XD if you haven't already (tried looking it up, but couldn't find any on your channel),I suggest listening to songs they've made up at cons, they're so funny lol


I really hated Ketch on SPN, but in Toronto I bid on- Dinner with Davey- on a whim since I went alone. At the event you have dinner with David and nine other con-goers. He was an awesome host and very friendly to hang out with for two hours. He also remembered me when I saw him at the next con. So, while I still don't like Ketch the character, I don’t mind seeing him on screen as much anymore since I met the actor.


There's also something different about cas and it's not just because he's an angel because all the other angels don't behave like him at all, they act like humans, many people on the spectrum see themselves in cas, the first time he sees the bunker he complements it for being orderly, he likes orderly stuff, he also comments on food's texture like saying PB & j tastes like molecule, he takes a lot of dean's sarcasm literally even after metatron download all pop culture references in his brain, he's very literal & factual, he's a walking encyclopedia which is common for people with special interests etc ....

Sharon Owen

Will do! I'm tempted to buy a Gold pass again, which goes on sale first...

Rosanne Stewart

I watched this and was shocked at Misha's casual mention that he's going through a divorce! I follow him on Instagram and never noticed any mention of it. That's very sad, especially given how long he and Vicky have been together.


He first mentioned their separation in the acknowledgment of his poetry book in 2021, so maybe over time he has gotten more comfortable referring to it.

Rosanne Stewart

It's so weird. I don't own the book but I looked at it in a bookstore and I did read the acknowledgements/author's notes, etc, and I don't remember seeing anything about it. Now I have to hunt it down again.