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Lancelot du Lac - Full Version.mp4

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This is a good episode! Certainly much, much better than the one before thank god. For Merlin, this is a pretty standout episode in that Merlin and Gaius do not completely figure out Morgana’s plan and that things do not resolve by the end of the episode. Merlin can be very formulaic so it’s nice to see an episode that subverts that. So glad that you didn’t see the episode title - thank you so much to the person who arranged that! I understand why, but Arthur definitely shouldn’t have exiled Gwen, even if that’s technically in those times the much more merciful option. Sometimes the show inadvertently makes me feel weird about Arthur/their relationship by really emphasising the vast power imbalance between them. He should not have the power to exile her. If he doesn’t want to be treated like a king, he shouldn’t treat her like a servant! As you pointed out, this is barely a legal/royal issue, it’s just a personal one. But hey, medieval times! I do think both actors did a great job in their confrontation scene together though. I enjoyed seeing such an emotionally intense and adult scene in the show. I agree with you in that Lancelot and Gwen were the more compelling couple in the show, although I also think that’s in part due to how they write Gwen and Arthur together. I find them to be believable, but quite boring! It’s really twisted how it’s both not really Gwen and not really Lancelot in this episode so you really can’t root for it at all. Finally regarding the bracelet altering Gwen’s will - the bracelet was an extremely last minute addition made by the writers in case audiences wouldn’t buy Gwen just choosing to cheat on Arthur on her own. All the dialogue of the episode - including the bit where Gwen explains why she did it - was the same, just there was no bracelet. Kind of interesting I think. Makes me wonder whether the bracelet wasn’t meant to stop her from being able to control herself, but just reawaken feelings as Morgana says, due to the same dialogue about her being unable to stop herself, being in both versions? Maybe makes it slightly less icky? Great reaction as always :)


“I wish it weren't tainted” — you and me both, Shelley 😭 I'm always conflicted about the love triangle. It's very empowering to see a Black woman portray Guinevere, the queen of Camelot, as that never happens. She and Arthur are very sweet together, and I think they balance each other well. But man oh man, the chemistry between her and Lancelot is off the charts! (Also, Santiago Cabrera is a BABE.) I think the show did Lancelot so dirty by not only killing him off but bringing him back for an episode — except not really, because it's not actually him, we don't even get the real Lancelot. Plus, as Lyla said, it's a cop-out to have Lancelot and Guinevere's affair be not of their own volition. I don't have too many major problems with this show, but the way he and the love triangle were handled is definitely one of them.

Luis Nov

This is also an episode I do not speak about! How dare they use Lancelot, sweet, noble Lancelot as a plot device to make drama between Gwen and Arthur! Thats so dirty!!! Like you said, that put disgrace to his name!!! Although, so nice to see him back, and that scene when came out of the water 🫣😳


I have a love hate relationship with this episode coz i loved seeing Lancelot's beautiful face & i loved seeing him & Gwen but It's so cowardly, the writers wanted to have their cake and eat it too by giving a nudge to their affair in the lore but didn't really commit by making it a magical trick by morgana & making it not really Lancelot, give me the love affair don't be shy!!! Imagine how impactful it would've been if it was really them! I 💯 believe that if it was the real Lancelot and they gave it a week with no bracelet we would've still ended up the way we ended up, just 10 times more watchable, if you're gonna give them the tragic consequences anyway at least let them have the affair! Now their names are tainted, Lancelot is no longer the Nobel knight & he doesn't even get to have a night with Gwen in exchange of his good reputation, Gwen gets exiled not only from the castle but from the entire kingdom!!! Like damn that was unnecessary, just expell her from her job at the castle if you don't wanna see her face everyday no need to exile her from her home too! The only home she ever knew! And she doesn't even get to have a night with Lancelot in exchange for that punishment, it's so shitty, if they were gonna go there, they should've done it for real. Lancelot and Gwen deserve so much better


The way the second Lancelot showed up Arthur reached out for Gwen's hand to hold in front of him in a macho show of ownership as if he's saying she's mine, back off, the most insecure move i have ever seen from Arthur, he hasn't forgetten what happened in the episode Lancelot and Guinevere, he knows that whenever Lancelot appears he get sidelined lmao, he feels like a sloppy second. The way Morgan was sleeping setting down at the beginning of this episode is so funny lol The way Gwen was looking at Lancelot when he came knowing on her door and their conversation in her house way before he puts the bracelet on her hand is how i knew that she still had feelings for him & that we would've ended up in the same place with no bracelet, she looked at him with so much love in her eyes I love the shot with Lancelot coming out of the lake & his final resting place being the lake & the title episode being Lancelot of the lake in french because it's a nudge to the Arthurian legend where Lancelot was raised by the fairies of the lake