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Comes the Inquisitor - Full Version.mp4

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Peter Evans

Great reaction to a great episode. Really enjoyed your thoughts on this one too. Be aware though that we all thought Londo was party-time good guy until he started fitting out a black-velvet wardrobe! A tremendous amount of power is ready to be placed in Delenn's hands. That kind of power married to a sense of destiny can be a terrible and dangerous thing. Sebastian described himself at one point as a 'protector of the public good' and I think despite the evil nature within him that drove him to commit those acts, that he honestly is and honestly believes himself to be. Think of some of those Sebastian might have failed in the past, those with a sense of destiny who would have trampled on people, sacrificed people needlessly for vanity or for glory. We know Sheridan and Delenn are heroes because they're on the DVD box-art, but could there be within each of them a dark seed? Could they dangerously malfunction? Sometimes a hero can be more dangerous than a villain. The G'Kar / Vir stuff was excellent also. And I also like to give a little shout-out to the raspy-voiced man who gave a memorable little turn as the arms dealer Mr Chase. Babylon 5 regularly affords bit-actors some fun roles to enjoy, and this was one of them. Have a nice week!

Tony Tenser

Another excellent episode and another of my favourites. Mira and Bruce are great here as is Wayne Alexander as Sebastian. So much about this one i absolutely love with its great drama, dialogue and depth. And that "dead....dead....dead" scene in the elevator. Chills.


Just an aside: Kim Strauss again, playing the Narn who is worried about his family and unsure about G'kar.