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Ragtag - Full Version.mp4

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I’ve been waiting for this and it’s been killing me!😭


Ward did kill buddy, guess he changed his mind. Really thought ward would turn watching this for the first time but he really threw his friends into the ocean to die.


Yeah, I believe the creators confirmed that about Buddy. Which makes sense — Garrett wouldn't have taken Ward if Ward hadn't killed Buddy, it would have been an unacceptable ~weakness~. It draws the parallel nicely to present-day as well. Just as Ward couldn't kill Buddy face-to-face, he had his back turned away from Fitz and Simmons when he sent them into the water. Not that that matters, ultimately. While it may put the tiniest sliver of difference between him and Garrett — Garrett wouldn't hesitate to shoot his own mother in the face, I'm sure — the end result is the same, and Ward still killed them (or intended to) even if he had to turn away to do it.

Christopher simeon

Fun fact. The type of pod Fitzsimmons are inside is designed to float in water. Watertight containers typically float. We get Garrett's motivation for betraying shield and I got to say it's understandable for him to lose trust in them after they left him to die but turning to hydra is not the way. He is a mirror to coulson's character. Coulson is super loyal to shield and was willing to give his life for shield but Garrett wasn't. Coulson's loyalty got him the Tahiti procedure but Garret had to steal it to get the same treatment.

Ian Fleming

As an avowed dog person, Ward shooting Buddy, even from afar, made him utterly irredeemable.

Nanci Fenstermaker

Ward makes the best villain. His personal connections make his betrayal personal to everyone on the team. I never liked his good guy persona. I am so looking forward to the final. I love how closely you watch each episode and make the connections in the details. People say the later seasons get so much better, but for me this first season setting all that intricate groundwork and character and relationship building was one of the best seasons.


It definitely helps hooks you and really makes you care about each member of the team and their interrelationships

Christopher simeon

Hey Shelley wanted to ask if you wanted to make predictions or a mini review of season 1 similar to Sup at the end of the finale reaction