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The Bad Place - Full Version.mp4

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Linda Moore

This is a great episode. I also thought Jack had gone too far and accidentally killed Derek. That's absolutely what they wanted us all to believe. But because we didn't actually see it happen, I was hoping against hope that he hadn't. And thank goodness he didn't. It was cool to meet Kaia's character, and be introduced to The Bad Place. Also, Patience's dad is an idiot. Lol! Looking forward to the next episode!

rose mnor

I just loved, loved this episode. I cannot wait to watch with you, Shelley, the conclusion of Sam and Dean's big adventure of landing in another world with big monsters - how in the heck are they going to be saved?!! ... Someone mentioned in ep. 1's comments that they had a drone for this season, and now we are seeing the results ... such amazing, majestic sweeping shots, aren't they? The awesomeness of this episode was brought to us by director Phil Sgriccia, written by Bobo Berens, with the fantastical rousing score by Christopher Lennertz. The last time I remember how the musical score affected me in an SPN episode was The Executioner's Song with Cain, also by Phil and Bobo, while Jay Gruska was the one on the music side. In my opinion, Dean really believed that Mary was dead because of his dream. Remember that he dreamed of Mary burning on the ceiling at the beginning of ep. 1? For me, this scene indicated where his mental state was on this issue, and he cannot be persuaded otherwise by Sam - because of this dream ... (even though Sam said they cannot know for sure). And on the matter of Dean pointing a gun at Kaia - for me, if how a character behaves in a certain way and can get to that particular point in the story, is shown (not told) of that progression, can logically and reasonably be explained and not forced out of context, I kinda not have an issue with it? Yes, it is appalling and unsettling to see, but his conviction regarding the status of his mom's condition had just been turned sideways and upside down - he was horrified and reeling in realizing that Sam was right all along and he was not ... On top of that, he was just shown by Jack that she was in pain and was tortured and crying for help ... he was not going to waste any moment longer and was prepared to go there right then and there ... And Berens clarified his choice of putting that scene in and said that if Kaia didn't cooperate, Dean will stand down and will not force the issue. That it was just the spur-of-a-moment, desperate bluff by Dean. Via link: https://twitter.com/robertberens/status/938992775718100992

rose mnor

For the next episode, I made this request when you posted the FEBRUARY schedule update, but in case you missed it, Shelley, I'll repeat it here:- 1) Assuming that you don't know the TITLE of 13x10, can you please NOT READ its title .... 2) So 13x10 is the midseason premiere. I am not sure (can't recall exactly) whether you normally watch 'The Road So Far' song montage in your reaction. My request is - if you do normally watch, can you do so AFTER the episode/at the end of the episode, coz the montage is kinda spoilery of who the major players are in the episode ... On the other hand, if you don't normally watch the montage, can you please watch it AFTER the episode for this premiere coz it is fiery hot! and may we watch your reaction to it ... thanks very much, Shelley! ...

Sharon Owen

I just had another thought about Dean's anger. It's a very John like thing from what we've heard and seen. Dean's response to things not going his way when a family member is in danger - anger. Quote from season that parallels this: "I thought you understood that killing this demon is above everything" (paraphrasing). John did everything he could to avenge Mary's death, now Dean is doing everything he can to save her.

rose mnor

True. Another example from The Devil's Trap, Dean: You know that guy I shot? There was a person in there ... that’s not what bothers me … Killing that guy, killing Meg. I didn’t hesitate, I didn’t even flinch. For you or Dad, the things I’m willing to do or kill, it’s just, uh .... it scares me sometimes. Family is everything to Dean and so does those he considers as family.


Ok yeah I'm gonna check the movie out, I was hesitant, because I always am with scary stuff, but now I really wanna watch it.


I love the talk in the car

Lauran Mitchell

I also saw Knock at the Cabin this weekend. Excellent movie, easily Shyamalan's best for a very long time! Love love love the next episode, and I agree with Rose. If you don't already know the title, please try and avoid it. 🙂


I especially hate the gun point at kaia thing because dean has always been great with kids & this whole season so far has been dean being a dick to kids (jack & kaia), i think the only kid he wasn't mean to this season was the boy he couldn't save in advanced thanatology, he still couldn't reach him like he could reach the kid in 1x03 "dead in the water" but at least he was trying, i want my kids loving sweet dean back, i don't like angry dean

Hasnaa (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-04 17:20:58 The angel banishing spell doesn't work on jack, Sam used it in 13x01 to cast the angels away & we saw it not work on jack so i have no clue why they didn't use it
2023-02-07 06:08:42 The angel banishing spell doesn't work on jack, Sam used it in 13x01 to cast the angels away & we saw it not work on jack so i have no clue why they didn't use it

The angel banishing spell doesn't work on jack, Sam used it in 13x01 to cast the angels away & we saw it not work on jack so i have no clue why they didn't use it

Sharon Owen

How old is Kaia supposed to be? I personally wouldn't call her a kid, she seems like 18/19ish to me. Dean was too focussed on saving Mary like has been discussed up top and Shelley saying about his tunnel vision, I understand it, even if I didn't like it.


That is an interesting question about Kaia’s age. I don’t think we know. My impression was a teen since she didn’t seem to have a job, and for other reasons I cannot say yet because spoilers. So off I go to the discord.

rose mnor

I found the blurb description when they announce the actress and the character - she is an adult. “As for Kaia, her character description reveals she lost her family at a young age. By the time she reached adulthood, she was on her own, completely disconnected from her roots, as she tried to understand a burgeoning gift: In her dreams, Kaia walks between worlds — a rare and terrifying power she experiences only as a curse… a power she doesn’t understand and can’t yet control.

Christopher simeon

Silly Hasnaa The plot has to happen....... I hate how lazy things get in these last few seasons.

Rosanne Stewart

Baby vs. a station wagon? They should have thrown in a line about being low on gas or something because they should have just left the angels eating dust.