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A Race Through Dark Places - Full Version.mp4

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"This is some eugenic bullshit!" Yes, exactly. Psi-Corps is definitely down with such bullshit.

awagenk (Fran)

Great reaction! I love this episode. So much wonderful scenes. 😍 Can't wait the next one. You're enthusiasm is so infectious. I knew what is coming and I'm here for you discovering all the things. Sorry for the bad English sometimes. It's not my first language. I understand it better than I speak or write it. 😅

Simon Giles

It's interesting that you reference the Revolutionary War right there at the beginning with Mars, and then shortly after Franklin quotes "Give me liberty, or give me death!" and "No taxation without representation!". Which made me realise that this episode has lots of sly references to US history - this, the pretty overt nod to Harriet Tubman, and also a subtle connection if one puts together "relocation camps" with the fact that one of the rogue telepaths was a Native American. This last is probably not intentional (plenty of regimes throughout history have employed "relocation camps") but was in an interesting note. As with Season One, things begin to really kick into gear once Bester comes on board. Also, good catch with the titles - so far we've had The Geometry of Shadows, The Long Dark, and A Race Through Dark Places. One could also include A Distant Star bringing up the image of a single faint light amid darkness.

David Sumner

Mars in this show is very much an allegory for the situation of N. Ireland which was a much bigger news story when this show was on.