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The Bridge - Full Version.mp4

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Suzanne Hunt

I am a new Patron this month! I joined for Downton Abbey and Agents of Shield! I think May lashed out at Sky because Ward hurt May's feelings when he told her his true motivations for knocking her out of the way was tactical not personal! Sky was just a soft target for May to attack! I don't think May did it intentionally to hurt Sky, it was just a knee jerk reaction! I like May and especially Sky! In fact I like the whole team! Sky and Coulson are my very favorite characters! Why do the bad guys want to know about what happened to Coulson that is the ultimate question! Poor Mike and Ace! This episode catapults the series from a good show to an extremely fascinating story!

Christopher simeon

First big loss for the team. Coulson is gone and Mike is dead. His son at least got to see him go out being a hero instead of a monster. The clairvoyant and project centipede want to know about more Coulson coming back to life so looking forward to that. We are at the halfway point of season 1. The introduction episodes really gave us basic outlines of our team so now as we go into the second half we will dive deeper into the plot but also go deeper into the characters arcs.