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Stuck in the Middle (With You) - Full Version.mp4

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When the King of Hell is more honest and helpful than your own mother... Not to mention that he also seems to care more about them and Cas than her as well. The lying, abandoning and consistently spitting lines about how it sucks that they didn't get out of the hero business with a little "life isn't fair" spitting in their faces.


Looooved this episode—so much good in it. HOWEVER this episode firmly cemented me in the can’t stand Mary camp. The fact that she went in w her boys and her friends without telling them what was going on…. Then she didn’t just give up the Colt when the prince of hell was demanding it and instead kept lying to her boys ugh!!!! I hate that she’s even working with the BMoL after they tortured her boys. Ugh ugh ugh!!!! I loved the shots where Cas said “I love you” and camera cuts to a close up of Dean… then “I love all of you.” Again there was just so much good here. But sorry, I know you like Mary… but I can’t stand her since she came back. 😡


That’s exactly why I like her, I feel like shows don’t try doing good very flawed female characters much and I think it works that after everything that happened she’s going down the wrong path. Something her boys are very familiar with.


Aaaand this makes three 10/10 episodes in a row for me. This one didn't even just make my Top 10 episode ranking, it made my personal top 5. It's such a good episode. The style, the backstories to Azazel being a prince of hell and to Crowley becoming king of hell, the general story and anticipation, plus not to forget the emotional moments (especially for me as a Casgirl). It's truly an incredible episode. Of course I also do love me some directing by Richard Speight Jr.

Beeba Smith

At 11:38 when Dean jumped over the railing and hurried off when he really should have stayed to help fight the demons - they had to make an excuse for Jensen to leave because Danneel was in labour about to give birth to their twins

Brenda Lewis

This is one of my favorites of this season, kudos to Richard Speight Jr for an amazing directing job. So well written and so many questions now.


I LOVE this episode! So so well directed and the style is so cool! Richard speight jr did such a good job. Also we can also count of Richard for making some pointed cuts to certain characters. The particular scene im talking about sent the fandom crazy! Cas saying I love you, then it cuts to dean. Then cas says I love all of you (if the first one wasn’t specifically directed to dean why did he say it again directed to all of them). Deans worry over cas makes my heart melt! Also, it’s a very small moment and maybe it’s overthinking it, but there a small moment where dean and Sam help cas up then cas and deans hands linger together. The sheer amount of destiel in this season is insane! (There is a reason, but I’ll talk about that later when it’s not a minor spoiler). I especially love the portrayal of Mary this season. I personally am not a fan of her as many of her decisions annoy me and also go directly against what’s good for the boys, but I like that that’s where the show takes her. It makes for a more compelling story to deal with Mary not being the perfect mother that dean remembers from his early childhood, and I love how we’re building up to some issues between her and the boys, I can’t wait for your reactions to some of the later season moments with them!


ok this was just the most fun react ever. so fun to see you love it as much as we do! SUCH an epic episode!!! Top 10 for me for sure, and i love how it follows two other fantastic episodes. Speight did killer work on this episode, all the actors were on their game, and the guest stars were great too? The reveals, the lore, the mary and sons drama! (i absolutely love how they wrote mary to parallel my fave dean - making decisions that end up hurting the ones you love even tho you think you're doing the right thing !!) And ofc i personally get such a thrill out of the deancas moments in this episode. just a wonderful episode. thank you davy perez and speight!


Been waiting for this reaction! Best episode of season 12 and one of the best of the series

Susan Stork

I absolutely love this episode. Although, I think it's 4 excellent episodes in a row for me, as I believe First Blood was episode 9. So, I love 9, 10, 11 and 12. But this episode was so well shot and written and as always well acted. Everyone was great even the guy that plays the Prince of hell. I am not a fan of the overall season, but there are some amazing episode s and more amazing ones to come. I don't like Mary working with the British men of letters. Great reaction, Shelley. It's fun watching some react so viscerally and visually to the show. It makes re-watching these episodes more fun.


@BunkerGirl…are you my twin, because I agree with absolutely everything you said! I get especially annoyed when Mary doesn’t give the gun to Ramiel when he asks. It feels like she has chosen the mission as more important than her boys. I believe that is the opposite to what her boys would do in that situation. They would save the people and try the mission again later. She truly acted ruthlessly, just like the BMoL.


Yes!! Davy Perez deserves so much credit for writing such a complex episode that perfectly reveals another piece of information each time the story is viewed from another’s perspective.


I'm not in the hating Mary camp. And I'm not saying this to try to change your mind, but, for me, her not giving the gun up is not that bad. I'd be doubtful that if she did that Ramiel would just let them go. If I'm in her situation, I'm not handing a weapon to someone who wants to kill me especially a weapon that could potentially kill him. I find her lying more troubling. But I still like her for all her flaws.


I really love this episode too! It's amazing, written by Steve yockey and Davy perez, i told you to look out for their episodes, they're all amazing, i am so happy you noticed the camera cuts in cas's speech and how dean was so panicking and worried, the way he tried to comfort cas and tell him he will recover but the way he called out for Sam in a panic shows that he was panicking inside 😭, Mary almost got cas killed and yes she called cas one of her boys 🥺, i can't believe she wouldn't give up the colt to ramiel and would rather watch her boys all die? Like wtf Mary? Ramiel said hand over what you stole or y'all die and she still didn't! She risked Sam & dean lives too, anyway every winchester gets to do one stupid thing, it's a right of passage, Crowley really came through! They should be greatfull, i love that 12x10, 12x11 & 12x12 are after each other, one of the best run of episodes on the show for me, it's season 12 and the show is still getting creative 🥰, i missed that shipper hat, oh and i don't know if anyone told you this yet but unfortunately the winchesters won't be getting a backorder 😢 so first season will be only 13 episodes, hopefully it still gets a season 2 but it's not a good sign, hopefully the short season doesn't hurt the story they want to tell too much 🤞

Amye Sabin (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-31 17:18:22 I actually felt bad for Remiel. All he wanted to do was to be left alone and fish. He didn't care about Hell or Heaven or Earth. Then Mary comes along and invades his home with hunters, steals from him, and lies to him. I dislike Mary immensely since she's come back. She's lying to her sons, she's working with the BMoL behind Sam & Deah's back, rather than owning up to why. She's mopey and depressing and doesn't know how to be a mother to two grown adults (which, not really her fault, but she doesn't try either)
2022-11-10 07:47:33 I actually felt bad for Remiel. All he wanted to do was to be left alone and fish. He didn't care about Hell or Heaven or Earth. Then Mary comes along and invades his home with hunters, steals from him, and lies to him. I dislike Mary immensely since she's come back. She's lying to her sons, she's working with the BMoL behind Sam & Deah's back, rather than owning up to why. She's mopey and depressing and doesn't know how to be a mother to two grown adults (which, not really her fault, but she doesn't try either)

I actually felt bad for Remiel. All he wanted to do was to be left alone and fish. He didn't care about Hell or Heaven or Earth. Then Mary comes along and invades his home with hunters, steals from him, and lies to him. I dislike Mary immensely since she's come back. She's lying to her sons, she's working with the BMoL behind Sam & Deah's back, rather than owning up to why. She's mopey and depressing and doesn't know how to be a mother to two grown adults (which, not really her fault, but she doesn't try either)

Amye Sabin

I never really liked S12 initially. It was just before S15 & S7 to me as the worst. But now re-watching it, there's more there to like than I originally thought.


Agree 100%, Hasnaa. This is one of my favorite episodes of the season.