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Chrysalis - Full Version.mp4

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The prosthetic G'kar chest that Andreas wears in this ep was supposedly a 'nightmare' to remove... OW! I think it makes only one other appearance in the show. SOOOO much happens in this one ep. The President is killed; Morden's 'associates' destroy a major Narn base, Londo takes credit and G'kar leaves to investigate; Garibaldi's second-in-command (Jack) shoots Michael in the back - coward! Jeff gets engaged to Catherine; and Delenn goes into a chrysalis. She only wanted to speak with the Commander first, to tell him about some of the things she knew were coming soon - to help prepare him, but he was too late. All the world-building of season 1 has culminated in this. The next two eps will clear up a bit of these issues, but not everything. But of course, you're finishing S4 now so you already know this. I could blah-de-blah more but... Nahhhh.

awagenk (Fran)

Oh wow Babylon 5 weekly. Thank you! 😊 It's so entertaining to see your excitement. I'm glad I found you before you are at season 2. I'm really looking forward to this month. 😍