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Babylon Squared - Full Version.mp4

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Nice call right before you start as to will this have something to do with the previous Babylon stations... I literally watched your mind being blown! LOL before you even said gobsmacked! One point: The Triluminary should have glowed for Delenn. Why didn't it? It seems like a conyinuity error but I'm not even sure it is... I'm so glad to see there were no spoilers for you here. You had to have had a gazillion questions at this point... answered at a much later point. And "Roww, meow, mroww..." in the background, LOL


let's gooo! One of my favorite episodes probably because timetravel is my favorite trope. Yes J. Michael Straczynski had the whole series planned out with some minor deviations due to actors leaving and stuff but overall it still follows the plan. So don't worry all your questions will be anwsered eventually


Warning: contains deep nerd, and apologies if you already know this; it wasn’t clear to me from the vid. Tachyons are real-world (although only theoretical) particles which always move faster and than light (Wikipedia has an article on them and their history). Their presence in SF is generally a signpost which reads “warning: time travel ahead”. :)

Tony Tenser

This is not the first time this show will make you shook i promise you :-) Really great episode of the series that sets up some even more intriguing mysteries. Glad you enjoyed it so much!