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Don't You Forget About Me - Full Version.mp4

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Really good reaction! Cheers! and about the vampire cure: you need the blood of the sire and it only works if you haven’t drunk human blood yet. I didn’t get the idea that either of them were vegetarian so I guess the boys assumed it was too late for a cure. 😊 really enjoyed all the parallels you pulled out about the boys and the different relationships going on! Great fun to watch! Thank you! 😄🎉

Christopher simeon

Parenting is a major theme this season. Jody is doing a great job at juggling the Sam and dean parallels but for this episode they reversed it. The parent and one child are doing the normal life not hunting and the other child doesn't want that and wants to hunt. Claire is the Sam in this story not in motivation (Sam wanted normal while Claire wants to hunt) but in desire to do something different to what the parent and sister are doing. Alex is the dean as in she tried to have a normal life. Like dean did in season 6 but the past came back for him and she is willing to sacrifice her life for her family like we have seen dean do a million times with deals etc. On the outside it seemed like a basic parallel but u were right at the start they reversed it. Follow your heart is something u need to think about some more. What does dean desire and why is Amara apart of it? Great reaction.

Linda Moore

Love this episode, it's so much fun! Always love to see Jody and the girls, their interaction with the boys is so enjoyable. Loved the whole dinner scene! 😄 Just a reminder that the vampire cure ONLY works if the person hasn't fed yet, Samuel said "one drop" and the cure wouldn't work. So, neither of those dudes could have been cured. And neither of them seemed particularly bothered by being vampires - not by that point, anyway.


I absolutely love the awkward dinner scene, their faces are hilarious.


As someone who absolutely hates 99% of every spinoff attempt this show has ever tried to do... I will forever hang onto the fact that Wayward Sisters should've been the one that happened. Could've been an actual great show with these 3 as the lead cast.

Beeba Smith

With the vampire cure, it only works if they haven't fed and you need the blood of the vampire who sired them, which they could have gotten in Henry's case but he's most likely had some victims since being turned since he's been a vampire for a few months by this point.

Daniel Lewis

It's a big season and we are only half way so be patient and you will get all the Amara answers you want along with all the other questions you have and not every episode has to have an Amara parallel.

Hasnaa (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-31 17:51:57 I freaking love this episode so much, any episode where we get to see Jody or Claire is a plus for me but we get both! And Alex! Count me in, i was agreeing with you on everything you said & was nodding the whole time that my neck hurts lol, this is how NOT to have the sex talk 😂, dick move from Claire to snitch for sure but Jody, girl, i love you but you did not have to discuss Alex's private business in front of strangers! I would be so embarrassed, Jody thought dean & Sam will be of much help lol but of course they weren't coz it's so awkward & they don't have any sort of relationship with Alex & because no one probably had that talk with them at all 🤦🏻‍♀️. it was always clear to me that Claire is dean coded, Alex is Sam coded & Jody is bobby coded, she's their bobby 🥺, this episode hit me in the found family feels, we really lost that when we lost bobby, Claire the girl who's been through so many tragedies but has the drive & need to hunt, to save people, Aka the dean, even when you're saying she was trying to push Jody & Alex away first before she gets pushed away, the sabotage yourself before you get sabotage, doesn't that just scream dean Winchester? Alex, the girl who's also been through many tragedy who thinks there's something inheritely evil about her, who just wants a normal life, the Sam, the girl even gets called a freak by the vamps here, you know who was always called (& even called himself) the freak? Sam Winchester. I had the same problem as you with this season, i wanted to know where the whole dean & amara thing leads that i didn't appreciate the MOTW episodes as much as I should have but i am enjoying them much more now with you, not all of them, coz some MOTW episodes in this season are not that great but this one is definitely amazing. I agree that there was a lack of acknowledgement of cas from Claire this episode, i would have loved at least a line from her asking about him, last we saw of her she was telling dean to take care of cas so she definitely have a soft spot for him, as much as I loooove her relationship with the winchesters, i don't want the show to drop her relationship with cas entirely in favor of making her closer to the winchesters. I forgot to comment about this last episode when you asked if that angel (that lucifer exploded) would be able to tell that it's lucifer or would he think it's cas, angels can see true forms of every being not just the vessel like we do, they can see demons true form like cas was able to see that meg was a demon as Emmanuel even when he lost his memories, they can see angels true form, that's how cas was able to recognize Hannah even when she changed vessels from female to male, and i suspect they can also see human souls, i also suspect that each angel has a unique true form & that's why they can tell who is who, coz with demons cas (or any angel) has never demonstrated that they can distinguish demons by their true form, they just knew they were demons, but that could just be because they don't know many demons if any, so maybe demons also have unique true forms, maybe even human souls don't look alike, which leads me to believe that that angel must have seen both Lucifer's true form & cas's in that vessel & that cas's vessel must be so strong to be able to contain both cas's grace & Lucifer's without exploding!, remember back in season 5 how Nick's body was being worn out & falling apart coz he isn't Lucifer's true vessel? Even Sam (his true vessel) had to drink tons of demon blood just to strengthen his body enough to contain lucifer without exploding & now cas's vessel is containing both lucifer & cas, no sweat, god must have recreated that vessel so much stronger than before in swan song! As for john, it's not just that he didn't play more roles & just stuck to tough love, he actively prevented anyone from showing love to his sons coz he didn't want it to "soften" them, he needed his "tough" soldiers, he treated them as soldiers, imagine living as a soldier 24/7 since you were 4 or in sam's case 6 months old, john had so many options for Sam & dean when he was away, other than leaving them alone in shady motel rooms, he had Missouri, he had pastor Jim, he had bobby yet he still left them alone & even when he would leave them at bobby he forbid bobby from playing with them like normal kids, in the episode where bobby dies & we get flashbacks to his time with Sam & dean we see john fighting with him on the phone because he was throwing balls with dean, he actively didn't want for anyone to fill any role he was lacking or fulfill any need the boys had, maybe he was scared the boys would love bobby more than him or just didn't want them to "grow up soft" or whatever but whatever the reason was, he purposefully made sure that was the case, it's not ignorance or something he lacked, it's a toxic ideology he had.
2022-07-28 20:19:27 I freaking love this episode so much, any episode where we get to see Jody or Claire is a plus for me but we get both! And Alex! Count me in, i was agreeing with you on everything you said & was nodding the whole time that my neck hurts lol, this is how NOT to have the sex talk 😂, dick move from Claire to snitch for sure but Jody, girl, i love you but you did not have to discuss Alex's private business in front of strangers! I would be so embarrassed, Jody thought dean & Sam will be of much help lol but of course they weren't coz it's so awkward & they don't have any sort of relationship with Alex & because no one probably had that talk with them at all 🤦🏻‍♀️. it was always clear to me that Claire is dean coded, Alex is Sam coded & Jody is bobby coded, she's their bobby 🥺, this episode hit me in the found family feels, we really lost that when we lost bobby, Claire the girl who's been through so many tragedies but has the drive & need to hunt, to save people, Aka the dean, even when you're saying she was trying to push Jody & Alex away first before she gets pushed away, the sabotage yourself before you get sabotage, doesn't that just scream dean Winchester? Alex, the girl who's also been through many tragedy who thinks there's something inheritely evil about her, who just wants a normal life, the Sam, the girl even gets called a freak by the vamps here, you know who was always called (& even called himself) the freak? Sam Winchester. I had the same problem as you with this season, i wanted to know where the whole dean & amara thing leads that i didn't appreciate the MOTW episodes as much as I should have but i am enjoying them much more now with you, not all of them, coz some MOTW episodes in this season are not that great but this one is definitely amazing. I agree that there was a lack of acknowledgement of cas from Claire this episode, i would have loved at least a line from her asking about him, last we saw of her she was telling dean to take care of cas so she definitely have a soft spot for him, as much as I loooove her relationship with the winchesters, i don't want the show to drop her relationship with cas entirely in favor of making her closer to the winchesters. I forgot to comment about this last episode when you asked if that angel (that lucifer exploded) would be able to tell that it's lucifer or would he think it's cas, angels can see true forms of every being not just the vessel like we do, they can see demons true form like cas was able to see that meg was a demon as Emmanuel even when he lost his memories, they can see angels true form, that's how cas was able to recognize Hannah even when she changed vessels from female to male, and i suspect they can also see human souls, i also suspect that each angel has a unique true form & that's why they can tell who is who, coz with demons cas (or any angel) has never demonstrated that they can distinguish demons by their true form, they just knew they were demons, but that could just be because they don't know many demons if any, so maybe demons also have unique true forms, maybe even human souls don't look alike, which leads me to believe that that angel must have seen both Lucifer's true form & cas's in that vessel & that cas's vessel must be so strong to be able to contain both cas's grace & Lucifer's without exploding!, remember back in season 5 how Nick's body was being worn out & falling apart coz he isn't Lucifer's true vessel? Even Sam (his true vessel) had to drink tons of demon blood just to strengthen his body enough to contain lucifer without exploding & now cas's vessel is containing both lucifer & cas, no sweat, god must have recreated that vessel so much stronger than before in swan song! As for john, it's not just that he didn't play more roles & just stuck to tough love, he actively prevented anyone from showing love to his sons coz he didn't want it to "soften" them, he needed his "tough" soldiers, he treated them as soldiers, imagine living as a soldier 24/7 since you were 4 or in sam's case 6 months old, john had so many options for Sam & dean when he was away, other than leaving them alone in shady motel rooms, he had Missouri, he had pastor Jim, he had bobby yet he still left them alone & even when he would leave them at bobby he forbid bobby from playing with them like normal kids, in the episode where bobby dies & we get flashbacks to his time with Sam & dean we see john fighting with him on the phone because he was throwing balls with dean, he actively didn't want for anyone to fill any role he was lacking or fulfill any need the boys had, maybe he was scared the boys would love bobby more than him or just didn't want them to "grow up soft" or whatever but whatever the reason was, he purposefully made sure that was the case, it's not ignorance or something he lacked, it's a toxic ideology he had.

I freaking love this episode so much, any episode where we get to see Jody or Claire is a plus for me but we get both! And Alex! Count me in, i was agreeing with you on everything you said & was nodding the whole time that my neck hurts lol, this is how NOT to have the sex talk 😂, dick move from Claire to snitch for sure but Jody, girl, i love you but you did not have to discuss Alex's private business in front of strangers! I would be so embarrassed, Jody thought dean & Sam will be of much help lol but of course they weren't coz it's so awkward & they don't have any sort of relationship with Alex & because no one probably had that talk with them at all 🤦🏻‍♀️. it was always clear to me that Claire is dean coded, Alex is Sam coded & Jody is bobby coded, she's their bobby 🥺, this episode hit me in the found family feels, we really lost that when we lost bobby, Claire the girl who's been through so many tragedies but has the drive & need to hunt, to save people, Aka the dean, even when you're saying she was trying to push Jody & Alex away first before she gets pushed away, the sabotage yourself before you get sabotage, doesn't that just scream dean Winchester? Alex, the girl who's also been through many tragedy who thinks there's something inheritely evil about her, who just wants a normal life, the Sam, the girl even gets called a freak by the vamps here, you know who was always called (& even called himself) the freak? Sam Winchester. I had the same problem as you with this season, i wanted to know where the whole dean & amara thing leads that i didn't appreciate the MOTW episodes as much as I should have but i am enjoying them much more now with you, not all of them, coz some MOTW episodes in this season are not that great but this one is definitely amazing. I agree that there was a lack of acknowledgement of cas from Claire this episode, i would have loved at least a line from her asking about him, last we saw of her she was telling dean to take care of cas so she definitely have a soft spot for him, as much as I loooove her relationship with the winchesters, i don't want the show to drop her relationship with cas entirely in favor of making her closer to the winchesters. I forgot to comment about this last episode when you asked if that angel (that lucifer exploded) would be able to tell that it's lucifer or would he think it's cas, angels can see true forms of every being not just the vessel like we do, they can see demons true form like cas was able to see that meg was a demon as Emmanuel even when he lost his memories, they can see angels true form, that's how cas was able to recognize Hannah even when she changed vessels from female to male, and i suspect they can also see human souls, i also suspect that each angel has a unique true form & that's why they can tell who is who, coz with demons cas (or any angel) has never demonstrated that they can distinguish demons by their true form, they just knew they were demons, but that could just be because they don't know many demons if any, so maybe demons also have unique true forms, maybe even human souls don't look alike, which leads me to believe that that angel must have seen both Lucifer's true form & cas's in that vessel & that cas's vessel must be so strong to be able to contain both cas's grace & Lucifer's without exploding!, remember back in season 5 how Nick's body was being worn out & falling apart coz he isn't Lucifer's true vessel? Even Sam (his true vessel) had to drink tons of demon blood just to strengthen his body enough to contain lucifer without exploding & now cas's vessel is containing both lucifer & cas, no sweat, god must have recreated that vessel so much stronger than before in swan song! As for john, it's not just that he didn't play more roles & just stuck to tough love, he actively prevented anyone from showing love to his sons coz he didn't want it to "soften" them, he needed his "tough" soldiers, he treated them as soldiers, imagine living as a soldier 24/7 since you were 4 or in sam's case 6 months old, john had so many options for Sam & dean when he was away, other than leaving them alone in shady motel rooms, he had Missouri, he had pastor Jim, he had bobby yet he still left them alone & even when he would leave them at bobby he forbid bobby from playing with them like normal kids, in the episode where bobby dies & we get flashbacks to his time with Sam & dean we see john fighting with him on the phone because he was throwing balls with dean, he actively didn't want for anyone to fill any role he was lacking or fulfill any need the boys had, maybe he was scared the boys would love bobby more than him or just didn't want them to "grow up soft" or whatever but whatever the reason was, he purposefully made sure that was the case, it's not ignorance or something he lacked, it's a toxic ideology he had.


The cure for vampirism doesn't work if you drink human blood. It only works if you don't give in and drink. So there wasn't any other option but to kill both vampires.