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Jensen Ackles is Soldier Boy.mp4

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Great work as always from Sharon on the video! Get psyched for a second Jensen press video next week, covering the rest of his press tour. 🙂


This was fan-freaking-tastic. 😊 Well done, Sharon, and thanks, Karen!


girl, i think about HBOMax supernatural all the time!, the seven are the three now, homelander, A train & the deep, amazing job as usual, sharon

Sharon Owen

I'm glad you enjoyed it. This was the first half of the press tour covering the first half of the season. Karen's video coming out will cover the second half other season and stuff from this month. 2 of those videos in there are versions of videos posted on my youtube channel (Paris press tour and the Down with the Sickness. I've had so much editing The Boys stuff as well as Supernatural. Also thanks to Karen for helping with a few of those clips. I avoided some of the press because of spoilers, so I missed a few things, which Karen recommended to put in


J’aime aussi du fromage avec du vin 👍🏻

Amye Sabin

I was confused why the Seth Myers interview was cut, but then I remembered what season Shelley was on. Duh.

Sharon Owen

Yep - also this is more Boys content, I cut out Supernatural related things from those interviews