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Mugunghwa kkoch-i pideon nal - Full Version.mp4

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Luis Nov

So yeah, they couldn't stop playing, its one of the rules, if you don't play (stay there) you get eliminated, and if you don't make it through the game, you technically didn't played the game either, hence why at the end of the timer they were "eliminated " Pretty wild show and I agree, 199, MVP. Here's a fun fact that I heard when the show first came out, the number in the card that they received to be in the game, its an actual number in Korea, from like a local business and, as you can imagine, a lot of people called not knowing it was a real one so that poor owner of the place received 24hrs calls from around the world, I think he sued Netflix for that, but don't take my word on that.


This is fascinating the second time through. There's so much "food" talk in the first 30 minutes alone… and so much glut – not gluttony but *glut*. He stuffs his face with so-called junk food, from the first moments on, just as he flashes his wads of cash…. And there are such specific distinctions between his "junk food" and the perceived quality foods (steak, chicken dinner, etc.) to which he aspires. So much empty (wasteful?) consumption.... So interesting… an allegory in the making? I'll have to read up on the potential symbolism (and classicism?) of this in Korean culture. Nerd incoming. Yay. 😊