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The Hunter Games - Full Version.mp4

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What's sad is that Dean was in better company with Crowley than with Sam or Cas both last and this season. It's really out of character for TeamFreeWill but I do adore the Crowley/Dean bromance! I love this season because of Dean - he brought this alliance together and seems to be the only one making real moves while the others pep talk and overexaggerate minor aspects of the effects versus becoming a support system for him to sate it until cured. Again, Crowley for MVP who seems to have the brain of this rag tag team except when he gets mummy dumbed down. Love Mark!


season 10 is amazing, i really love this episode too, Rowena is so much fun, so deliciously evil. i headcanon that metatron knows about deanmon & crowley coz the rumors about their summer of love spread from hell to heaven somehow & all the demons & angels were gossiping about them 😂. very interesting what you said about cas not having a father figure to imitate, that's definitely a part of it, another part is that he didn't know Claire's mom left her, he probably thought she was safe, Claire said she prayed to him to bring jimmy back, she wasn't asking for help, just her father back & since jimmy died either at the end of season 4 exploding by the archangel Rafael or at the end of season 5 exploding by the archangel lucifer, cas couldn't bring her jimmy back, so he stayed away hoping that with time & grief she could just accept that jimmy is gone. i really love that cas asked for dean's help to parent Claire, cas must have a lot of trust in dean that he trust him with claire. cas was so against accepting help from metatron to save himself & would rather die, that's why he was keeping that option as last resolute but he did it.......for dean, and metatron knows it's for dean & was so tired like not this shit again, do you have other hobbies, cas! 😂 loved what sam said to dean about inner strength and self control. i'm so excited for the rest of the season, great reaction.