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The Friendly Type - Full Version.mp4

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now that patreon finally let me comment again, i am copy pasting this here from discord, I sound like a broken record at this point, but i really love the soundtrack of every episode & seeing mark & Layla in cairo was a delight, i even recognized an Egyptian actor Ahmed Dash, the kid who said praise Amit & sacrificed himself, he's been acting since he was very young, and i absolutely love may calamawy as Layla & i love that they got an Egyptian actress to play an Egyptian character, this show has been a blast & i can't wait for the rest, i don't want it to end


Yoooo, how much did the Egyptian courtroom scene have similar vibes to SPN 7×4 when Dean was being cast judgement by Osiris? Serioisly, love Egyptian lore above all else. Also ROFL every time Konshu is scream talking 🤣