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Is This Henry Mills? - Full Version.mp4

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They did technically subtly foreshadow the time travel element. Back when Regina was trying to convince Rumple to admit he was awake, she mentioned something along the lines of "As much as I would like to go to Storybrooke, we can't get there and they can't know we're here" Sadly when the season was started the creator accidentally unfornutely spoiled the time travel twist early in the season. Basically, in pre-release interviews they were all saying that Hyperion Heights was set in present day. When the creator was asked by someone on Twitter what year Henry left Storybrooke, he basically said far from now then later deleted the tweet.

Luis Nov

Really? Im glad I didnt know about that, I didnt see that coming at all

Malachi Fuimaono

Loved this episode!!! Season 7 really is one of my favs!❤️