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Ten Inch Hero.mp4

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Nicole Garver

So excited that you got to watch this! It’s such a sweet movie. Jensen has said that the reason he was still “cleaned up” Priestly at the end was because he’d already shaved and cut his hair and they couldn’t wait for him to grow it back out. It’s been so much fun to watch you fall more and more in love with Jensen. Welcome to the club 😜😎

Karina Andrade

I've never seen this movie cause here in Chile i couldn't find it anywhere, so i just watch it with you and i love it, you spoke my thoughts in the moment i had them 😂


Don't give away too much! I have a video edit for backstory about this very thing that I'll be submitting in my March request. Would be nice to keep it until then.


Glad you liked it. I was worried that you might see it as too simple and such. It is an Indie type of film. Shown in movie theaters, but mostly small screens - but mostly went straight to DVD. A labor of love that a group of friends worked hard on to make happen. I'll give you some backstory info in my March request, that will include how the whole Danneel/Jensen thing happened.

Karina Andrade

Oh shit, i'll edit my comment then... it's best that Shelley sees it for herself, thanks for the warning 💜

Kim Rigg

The movie itself is not my cuppa tea but rewatched because Boaz is a trip!!


so glad you enjoyed this but oh man. i remember really really disliking this film circa 2010. i was in a punk phase myself and if theres one thing i hate its the "freak gets a makeover and turns normal at the end in order to get the girl" trope. it just really hits when you get to hear that no one will ever be interested in you as long as you look like "that" every day in school :) also all those cringe jokes and the general theme being about superficial people just put me off (also danneel saying she's kinda superficial irl didn't make it better. i LOVE her now but oof, ok). now however, after all these years and changes in society and the film industry i can appreciate the movie for what it is. also it gives me such 2005 nickelodeon sitcom vibes!!


My little sister and I were punk/goth and used safety pins to do facial piercings in the late 80's early 90's (there were no body piercing places - at least not for teenagers) It was not easy back then either. We used to get a lot of "what happened to your face" or "are your lips rotten..? Why are they black?" Back then you had to earn the cred. These days - not so much. LOL. I remember having to go to theatrical make up stores to get glitter and spirit gum to make sparkly eyeliner or lipstick. The good old days...HA! Brands like UD/HC and stores like Sephora or HT really changed the game. We had NOTHING like that. Ordering obscure band tees and heavy metal jewelry out of the back of music magazines.


Yeah, this is a weirdly sweet and wholesome movie, even though there are over half a dozen nekkid people in it over the course of the movie lol Although, tbh, even though Tish and Priestly were cute together, I read this theory somewhere that Priestly was actually secretly Fuzzy22 and I thought it was definitely an intriguing one - especially since Priestly and Jen both had sensitivities/insecurities about how people perceived them because of how they look. Plus, more Priestly in the movie - I wouldn't be mad about it! And I honestly am still not sure why - after the whole movie and Jen and Priestly's arcs about physical appearance - the movie's writer decided it would be a good idea for Priestly to go against his own good advice and give himself a Banana Republic makeover from hell. It just didn't make a lick of sense, to me (even after I found a bit where the writer explained why she wrote it that way), but it's a relatively minor gripe to have about a (mostly) unoffensive and sweet movie.

Hasnaa (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-31 17:52:12 This is my first time watching this movie, if i had known how much i would be seeing of danneel i would've watched much sooner 😂, she's ridiculously pretty, i love that girl so much, i don't like Priestley's ending too, i wish he didn't change who he is or how he dressed to get the girl, what a downgrade too, i loved his t-shirts, it also takes away from tresh's development since her issue was only caring about looks so him changing his look for her didn't help, but other than that & few cringy jokes the movie is sweet & wholesome, i love the sense of found family 🥰, and any chance to see young danneel is a pleasure 🥰, thanks so much for requesting this movie, otter.
2022-01-21 15:49:40 This is my first time watching this movie, if i had known how much i would be seeing of danneel i would've watched much sooner 😂, she's ridiculously pretty, i love that girl so much, i don't like Priestley's ending too, i wish he didn't change who he is or how he dressed to get the girl, what a downgrade too, i loved his t-shirts, it also takes away from tresh's development since her issue was only caring about looks so him changing his look for her didn't help, but other than that & few cringy jokes the movie is sweet & wholesome, i love the sense of found family 🥰, and any chance to see young danneel is a pleasure 🥰, thanks so much for requesting this movie, otter.

This is my first time watching this movie, if i had known how much i would be seeing of danneel i would've watched much sooner 😂, she's ridiculously pretty, i love that girl so much, i don't like Priestley's ending too, i wish he didn't change who he is or how he dressed to get the girl, what a downgrade too, i loved his t-shirts, it also takes away from tresh's development since her issue was only caring about looks so him changing his look for her didn't help, but other than that & few cringy jokes the movie is sweet & wholesome, i love the sense of found family 🥰, and any chance to see young danneel is a pleasure 🥰, thanks so much for requesting this movie, otter.

sara b

Am I the only one that can only see half the movie?


You have to save the video to your Dropbox to watch it fully, this only happens with videos that are longer than one hour


That you so much! I have the video from that panel.


Yeah. That one part I didn't like much either, but I figured that he'd revert back, or find a happy middle. People change over time. The movie is pretty simple and sweet. It was meant to be that way. A feel good movie where things happen the way they should. I figured that Danneel was just joking about being superficial. What I've read and seen about her back then doesn't show her that way.


What did the writer have to say? I've always figured he did it because he thought that's what she wanted, but that they'd sort it all out and he'd go back to being himself - or somewhere in between. Because how much of how he looked was a reflection of how he felt about himself?


You can also download it. Dropbox only allows 1 hr of streaming from the original source.


The writer, Betsy Morris, literally just said "it's just a movie ... I didn't realize that was something people would be upset about." 🤦 http://supernaturalsisters.blogspot.com/2009/05/interview-with-betsy-morris.html Her longer, more thought-out answer is a *bit* better, but not by much.