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Sharp Teeth - Full Version.mp4

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Guess I am mostly alone in the thought that it's borderline comical that either of them will work and live together but "can't be brothers anymore". And did Sam legit think more about Dean working with Crowley rather than the mark?

Luis Nov

Garth’s description of Sam and Dean 🥰🥰🥰

Brenda Lewis

Garth, Garth, Garth!! I love him so much and I hope he gets to keep the happy he found. No one deserves it more than him. So as far as the boys go, Sam got back in the car so it's a start. I think them just being together will start the healing. It's a step in the right direction, better than them being apart. I don't know what it's going to take for Sam to forgive him, but I hope he finds a way. Dean is lost without him and whatever he did or didn't do right I can't stand to see him so sad. I love my boys and hate when they fight.

Luis Nov

About the prophet, Metatron said to Gadreel that he “switched off” the “incarnation” of the next prophet


Yes, the Alpha Vamp! I also was so mad he didn’t show up after that S7 teaser. Totally expected him in S8 ☹️ Garth had been absent while Kevin was on the boat and they referred to it once or twice, for half a second. How dare they turn our sweet Garth into a lycanthrope, but at least they did it in a way that he can stay sweet. But wow, killing some rancher’s cattle is not cool. They need to have a ranch and a butcher shop. 👍

Sharon Owen

I knew you'd love the return of Garth. And yes, Dean's look is one of his best. To me there's better to come, but we all have our own preferences. Let's just say there's an episode or two where I can barely concentrate due to his hotness haha! The end scene was much needed - to the boys and to us.

Christopher simeon

This is my personal opinion and it maybe because i had a very controlling parent but i really can relate to Sam. Dean this season has been acting like john again like he was in the past and Sam is very irritated with it. Losing his agency repeatedly is not fun for him and all he wants is to be equals not some burden that dean has to take care of all the time. Using being family as a excuse for shitty behavior is classic john level thinking and this werewolf family shows both sides about how that kind of thinking is not healthy and how you do not have to keep the cycle of revenge going just for family. Garth and dean were the main parallels this episode with both avoiding bringing others into their problems because they do not see an issue that is under the surface. Dean at the end does not really see what he did to sam as wrong and this is the reason why Sam can't just go back to working as brothers. Sam chose to be honest with dean. Lets see how dean takes that.


I absolutely love this episode, everytime Garth is on the screen, it's a joy, i love that every now & then the writers throw at us a character that made better life choices that john 😂 & didn't choose revenge over their family, love the john shade, metatron told gadreel last episode that he turned off a switch in heaven & now no more prophets, i looooove that sam once again said that he didn't want to stop the trials, he trusted dean to help him follow through with closing the gates of hell no matter what but dean emotionally manipulated him into stopping & i don't really blame dean because i know it's super hard for him to let Sam go, coz it's ingrained in him by John to protect Sam, but at some point he has to learn this lesson or they should go their separate ways, otherwise Sam will just be stuck in a situation he doesn't wanna be in. Great reaction 👏💙


The disappearance of Garth was hinted a few times since Season 8, with very short moments in which the boys mentioned that Garth wasn't answering the phone, and Kevin mentioned that he hadn't seen Garth in a while. But the hints were so small that they were easy to miss.

Linda Moore

I'm gonna stick my neck out and raise a sympathetic hand for John. Not my favourite thing to do, but... The difference between Reverend Jim and John was that the Reverend knew exactly what had happened to his wife. John had NO idea. All he had was his wife sliced open and burned alive on the ceiling. He had no clue whether or not whatever got her was coming for his boys and him next. He couldn't just forgive and forget. He needed to figure out what killed her. Here endeth my defense of John. I can go back to smacking him for his bad choices!


My view is it’s fine for John to figure it out, if that was all he did. I think that conversation was intended to point out that going for revenge only leads to misery. From my perspective, particularly in the way he did it...go hunt every possible bad thing while leaving your kids alone in a motel room to fend for themselves, etc.


Reverend Jim didn't know if the hunters who killed his wife were coming for him & his kids so 🤷🏻‍♀️


That’s really interesting to parallel Sam’s willingness to give in to Death as similar to being suicidal.

Jeffrey Mlinek

There is more to living than just being alive.

Amye Sabin

I disagree with you saying that them not acting as Brothers is a good thing. Sam's ultimatum is that they can be co-workers, but not family. I think he's wrong here.

Amye Sabin

Re the Alpha Vamp: It might be because of Rick Worthy's schedule. He's a very in demand actor.


After what Dean did to him, hes definitely in the right to feel that way.


Soooo my mullti fandom mind imediately went to Fenir greyback from harry Potter when the norse mythology was mentioned... the names are too similar...


At this point in time dean and sam need some time apart to be their own people.. they've been together to long and need to remember who they are individually before they could and should work together as a family again....