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The Garden of Forking Paths - Full Version.mp4

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Luis Nov

I really love this episode, specially because of Regina, not gonna lie but it also brings the new characters into the show, even when they’re using parallels to season one, Im liking this “not perfect” princess that Cinderella is, love to see the struggle and how she comes around from it, and massive fan that Regina/Roni helped her in both “realities” Regina has always look amazing, specially in her Devil Queen outfits but this season… gorgeous! Like in this episode, we see her in a “enchanted forest” outfit different from the EQ but still fire! It suits her so well, love that change. Great episode for getting to know some characters, using some parallels but setting them apart in a thing or two but what it stands out is definitely the last scene! Looove that scene, so much mystery and questions. It was creepy and threatening, left me with the need to keep going with the story. Anyway, Im glad you’re liking this season, next episode…. Can’t wat for it. See you next and happy new year!


This is when this season started to really click for me! Loved the twist on Anastasia. I also am enjoying all the minor red herrings they start this season with— everything is not as it seems 😆


Love the reaction! ❤️ Really looking forward for more (:


The next episode is amazing... Can't wait


This is pretty much the last of the mostly-setup episodes. Next episode is where the season begins to take off, and I'll just say that episodes 7 and 8 introduce my favorite storyline of the entire series, so January is shaping up to be a good month for OUAT! :D

Malachi Fuimaono

Yup I love that they changed the last season! It’s different but not too different to not enjoy ❤️

lori beynon

I really like this episode and I liked how the present day and flashback helped us get to know Ella better. I loved Regina’s outfit, her new enchanted forest looks are fire!

Jennifer Clark

I'm so glad that you're digging season 7!


Whoever that person in the end is, I can tell you she is one of my all time favorite characters in this show!