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I'm No Angel - Full Version.mp4

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This episode is too heartbreaking to rewatch! Keeping Cas in the dark about the Sam/Ezekiel bit doesn't add up especially since Cas vouched for Zeke. It felt too forced, and it's sad since the boys and Cas are best when they're all together so it's like they are kicking us when we were already at the lowest point. I know it's mainly budget/actor issue limits are the main factor but I am dying for them to all be on the same show especially when all the shenanigans are at a peak.


I absolutely hate that Dean made Cas leave the bunker. I get that he was afraid Zeke would leave Sam if Cas stayed.. and then Sam could die. I get that when it comes to choosing anything or anyone against his brother—Dean will always choose Sam. But I think the writers totally went against how Dean would ever act in that he just boots Cas out and in no way tries to help him. I mean there is no way it wouldn’t occur to Dean that Cas would be clueless and helpless as a brand new human. Dean just sends him off with no money or a place to stay?? Really?? That stretches the fabric of believability and I hate it completely. And I was totally with you on “his voice!” when Dean saw April stab Cas. Omg.. and the relief in Dean’s face after Ezekial brought Cas back. 💙💚