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Where Bluebirds Fly - Full Version.mp4

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When this first aired, I remember thinking that Regina's attitude towards Zelena was odd. Like if the roles were reversed and the Black Fairy had threatened Henry, Regina would have sat back and waited and not rushed to destroy her just like Zelena did?

Paul Fisher

I like the fact that with Stanum they continued their tradition of using symbolic names. The word "stanum" is Latin for tin.


Final 4 episodes. I cannot wait for them 🎉 Very excited! 🥰


Your disinterest in Captain Swan always gets me 😂 I’ve never been super gung-ho about that ship, but IMO season 6 has been especially awful with them as far as characterization goes. They’ve both lost their edge and most of what makes them *them* as individuals — Hook has been almost entirely relegated to Generic Love Interest #12 and Emma has become quite soft, more than just “walls down," and as you've said in the past, quite weepy on occasion. Also, in Hook’s case, like … him being 100% all about Emma and their relationship is so tiring (and sad). What does he DO? What are his hobbies? What does he bring to the table that no one else does? Is he actually friends with anyone? Even David, with whom Hook ostensibly has a bromance, was flat-out mean and condescending in the episode about his father. Yeah he apologized, but that's not how you treat someone you're close to. The writers simply drop in a nautical word here or there in Hook’s dialogue and call it a day. Granted, everyone in the main group is pretty codependent, but to me, it feels like Hook in particular is tacked-on and that any scene he’s in could proceed exactly the same way if he weren’t there. Even his recent little excursion wasn’t so much about *him* or *his* development as it was getting back to Emma. Though, that’s kinda been an issue for multiple seasons now. Apart from a few exceptions (his history with Ursula, for example, which I loved), it’s like as soon as the show decided he was going to be a Hero, it got rid of practically everything that was interesting about him in the first place. To say nothing of all the lying, underhandedness, and lack of trust that goes on between them. Emma ignoring his express wishes not to become a Dark One then keeping that from him (and him inexplicably getting over it very quickly), Emma hiding her visions and shakiness, Hook hiding that he killed David’s dad from both Emma and David himself, Emma snooping through his private belongings and basically forcing him to propose despite him clearly not intending to do so at that moment, Hook wanting to erase his memories and/or run away rather than simply having a conversation, etc. etc. I don’t have too much of an issue of Captain Swan as a concept, but on the whole the writers have gone about it terribly. Which is such a shame, because we’ve seen both actors do excellent work when they have good material, so to see so much unnecessary (and in many cases, if not most, uncharacteristic) fluff is disappointing. OK I’m done now 😆The rest of the episode was decent!


He didn't say anything, that's the point. After realizing it was David's dad he killed, he drunk the whole town dry, then was going to burn away his memories (and almost certainly would have gone through with it if Emma hadn't walked in) so that he wouldn't have to deal with the fallout, then planned to run away instead of facing what he did, and the only reason he decided against it at the last moment was because Snow told him the Evil Queen got a happy ending.


i agree with EVERYTHING you said about captainswan. they have been reduced to so much NOTHING its infuriating. The last time hook was compelling was when he had the backstory with ursula


I liked this episode because i liked seeing zelena stand up for herself to regina, while still admitting that she needs her. I think Regina definitely owed Zelena an apology here, Zelena only felt to prove herself cuz Regina was being so condescending. But im a little sad they concluded the controversy by having zelena have to give up everything, but it felt fitting for her character. Final few episodes of the season and im super excited!!!!

Luis Nov

favorite moment from this episode for me has to be David reminding Snow's and Whale's date 😂😂 I still have chills with that last scene... I.CAN.NOT. WAAAIT for the finale episodes of this season, next week's gonna be amazing for OUAT, really curious about what you think of them!! so excited,

Luis Nov

loved your summary comment of the rest of the episode at the end 😂


Charming will NEVER let that go, guaranteed 😂

Kelley Coudriet

As both a Captain Hook fan and CaptainSwan shipper from the beginning, I agree with everything you said. Ever since season 5, they have been hit or miss with me.

Jennifer Clark

I keep coming back to see if you've gotten more OUAT done...IM so ready!

Luis Nov

She has posted a schedule pinned on the web version of patreon and in the app version you can look for it in the search bar to get a look at it, in there she puts which days she’ll be looking what show and episode, so you have an over view on what to expect and when 😁