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Pac-Man Fever - Full Version.mp4

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It’s not invasive to turn on her gps… deans not some stalker… she is a baby hunter who Dean considers a sister…. Of course he is going to take precautions just in case something just like what happened…. Happens. It’s an act of love and care.


Dean and Charlie's relationship makes my heart soar! I adore the effects they have on each other, that little smirk after the goodbye seared her place in his heart - definitely lil sis and BFF.


You are so right that Dean and Charlie’s friendship is really special. It’s something they don’t have in their everyday hunting life. It would be wonderful if they could have a bunch of friends staying in the bunker with them. It was such a surprise to see Sam appear in that hospital bed in the dream. No surprise at all that would be Dean’s biggest fear. You wondered if Dean was going to learn anything from the dream, and it looks like he did… Based on that big hug he gave Sam. Charlie’s backstory is such a sad one, but I am glad they further enriched her character through this episode. And absolutely adore her MoNtAGe scene.

Brenda Lewis

Just the number of awesome episodes is amazing, and this one is really up there for me. The last episode we got Charlie I thought was written ok. But this is the episode her character deserves. I love her bond with Dean and how he just instantly took to loving her, but who wouldn't. And it was nice after that roller coaster last episode. Let me just say this about Crowley, I love to hate him, he is the king of rotten and after the whole kidnapping Lisa and Ben I knew he couldn't be trusted. See this is why I never trust demon, they're demons. They would only do something that seems good if it serves their best interest. And as soon as it served their interest, they would kill you. But he's so good at being a villain, I can't hate him too much. Great reaction, I knew this would be a good one for you, can't wait for the finale and your Sn 8 thoughts.

Luis Nov

Dean being a big brother of Charlie owns my whole heart, and I know Sam feels the same way but Dean and Charlie’s relationship is…🥰🥰😍 Specially after this episode where we learned more of her backstory, she needs a family, and Im glad is both of them, cause family dont end with blood ❤️

Pat Hurd

Love that Dean used the fake names Ripley and Hicks for him and Charlie -- they're from the movie Aliens, where Ripley was a badass. I know I'm not the only one who got a heart tug from the brotherhug at the end.


I really enjoyed this episode, because it had Charlie working with the boys. I love what she brings to the episodes she's in. Dean grudgingly falling in love with her like a little sister. He's got not defense against our Charlie and I love what she does for him. Bringing out his soft side he usually hides. I really was worried about this episode when it first started. Seeing Dean in military garb and what looked like one of the world war settings. I thought it was another time travel episode and having to do with hitler and the nazis again. ugh Do glad I was wrong! I also wanted Charlie to stay there with Sam and Dean, but torn about it meaning she'd likely be put in danger on a regular basis. I don't think dean needs someone else to worry about right now. And he would worry about her. So she can come into their lives when they're not hunting. That's the sort of stuff that was going through my mind. Anyway, the season is almost over and there's a lot that seems left to do. I was getting worried. One last thought. I find it interesting that Dean seems to be the one getting these close bonds with other people in their world. Seeing as how we were led to seeing him as a loner back in season 1. He never really was though. He just didn't have opportunities.

Linda Moore

Fantastic reaction! Knew you were going to love this one. Charlie is the best. Dean and Charlie's friendship is one of my absolute favourites!! Both of their hugs in this episode, but especially the one at the end make me 😍😍😍. Get ready for the last 3 episodes - I can't wait!! 😁

Melody Dia

It only makes sense that Dean & Sam's times in Hell would be much worse than most peoples. The demons wanting to break the seals meant that they had to get "A righteous man to shed blood in Hell," with Dean, and so they probably went all out with the torture. And Sam was trapped in the cage with both Lucifer and Micahael. As for the Pac-Man level 256 thing; the original Pac-Man game was not programmed to have and end to the game, it just got progressively harder each level. However, probably due to not thinking anyone would ever get that far, the game will actually glitch out and become unplayable once you reach level 256. Meaning that while the game is not programmed to have an ending, it does technically HAVE an end to it. So basically, what Charlie was saying was that this dream was a TRUE unending Pac-Man game in that it would keep getting harder and harder everytime it looped, but that unlike Pac-Man it really WOULD loop forever. Really great episode, and as always I look forward to your next reaction! <3


Charlie!! I love this episode so much, her backstory is heartbreaking but i am so happy we got to know more about her, i love her friendship with the boys so much especially dean, dean really be collecting found family left & right, i love it, family don't end with blood, i wish she could stay too, can't wait for next episode


I don’t have much to add to what everyone else said . . . same. Living vicariously through Charlie on those hugs. Also, I would love to have seen Sam getting into and driving Charlie’s little car 🤣