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J2M Compilation - Spoiler Free.mp4

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Luis Nov

The way I screamed with this notification… Misha and Jared are sooo chaotic together. Im really glad you liked it, And yep, Misha is so involve into charity, he still does, thats kind of he wanted to be an actor, to help others, he really is sunshine 🥰 The “you are not alone” campaign it was set up for fans to help other fans, they were teaches on how to help to other fans with suicidal and self harm issues. There’s a panel were Jensen just loose it when he met a fan who was helping others with that, she completes over 50 hours of helping people and it just really sweet, they all are ❤️ Im also glad that you catched all the callbacks from my fist video, it was a ton of fun doing it and I hope everyone have a laugh of it, see you in the next one 🙌🏻


This was great fun, Shelley! Thank you for putting this together, Luis! The Fart and Influence stories are legendary. It absolutely kills me every time, how thirsty Matt Cohen is when he talks about Jensen. So funny. And dancing Jensen? Come shimmy my way, honey 😍

Linda Moore

This was so awesome! Great job Luis! Loved your reaction to all of it, Shelley! So glad you've joined our happy little SPN family. There really is a lot of love and support to be found here. 😊 Watching you react to these videos makes me so excited to send you more stuff! LOL! Your reactions to them are the highlight of my month too. 😁 One of my favourite things is the fact that everyone in the cast have little crushes on Jensen. 😉 To be fair, pretty much everyone who meets him has a crush on him. Can't really blame them. 😄 This cast is awesome.


Gotta love them! Haha You should definitely watch some Always Keep Fighting stuff, with Jared talking about it and his own experiences with depression and stuff. Mishalecki is honestly so chaotic. There are so many more Influence moments where it just gets brought back up and it just gets more and more chaotic as it goes! The difference between Jared and Misha, and Jensen and Misha, is that Jensen gets kinda uncomfortable with all the shipping stuff so he'll tone it down a bit often (not always, he does have these moments where he goes all in) whereas Jared and Misha just don't care and they go all in all the time, they don't have boundaries. They're willing to make so many innuendos about themselves and not hold back. Whereas Jensen will hold back. That doesn't make him less funny though, he's still hilarious! It's just the difference in the panels. When you get all three together though, it's just chaos. Jared and Misha have no filter, especially when they're together... I love all the different dynamics between them! Haha Ah, I so want you to watch the Master Chau thing, it's about how Jared dislocated his shoulder. But you haven't met Osric's character yet so you don't know who he is! Haha but it is so hilarious! The only spoiler is actors that play characters you haven't seen yet. But it is so hilarious! And you should definitely do some that include Mark more, because he's hilarious too! <333

rose mnor

Yes, the one with Mark S, with that little girl Piper who asked a question about Crowley … that kid played Mark like a guitar! It was astonishingly hilarious and clever, even Mark appreciated her at the end.

rose mnor

Thank you, Luis, for these compilations, I did not feel time flew by, it went away so fast, and then it was over!


Misha has some stories about his childhood that provide so much insight into the incredible person that he is. Hopefully someone will put those together for you.

Luis Nov

I did not found the photos of the lady and the tramp session, sorry I guess the girl didn’t post it 😔 or if someone has them, please share 🙌🏻 Anyway, I was slightly worried that you would‘t like the fart stories but you know, they really are like children, specially Jared and Misha… Im glad everyone seems to like it, and Rose is right, seen your reaction did made time flew, I just re watched 😅 This was all of us and specially Shelley during the recreation scene😅 https://www.dropbox.com/s/idl60nxgf9007dr/Video%2007-06-19%2022%2008%2023.mov?dl=0


Oh my goodness, someone please send Shelley videos with Sebastian (Balthazar). He is, by the entire casts admission, probably the most vulgar, chaotic and hilarious. Most of his panels are the earlier ones of course, but he's just as awesome as his character was😂😂🤣🤣🤣 And yeah, just as everyone is saying above, the Misha and Jared duo is amazing. I love them all together, but I know whenever it's just Misha and Jared, it's going to be ridiculous and I love it. They're an underrated pairing for me. And you should also really check out Jared speaking on his struggles and his campaigns with the cast. It wonderful to hear him speak on it Oh also p.s.... Matt Cohen is so freaking beautiful. I can totally believe that he helped birth Sam and Dean😆 because he's damn there perfect himself😍. Anyway glad you enjoyed it💜💙


Yep. After the AKF campaigns and J2 doing their Pack Fund that supported many causes, including TWLOHA Jensen and Misha putting together YANA was pretty cool. And if it wasn't for Jared donating all of that money from his tshirt campaign, that would have never been possible to have so many people be able to complete the training. Most of the first volunteers had to raise their own money in the beginning, and it wasn't cheap. I love how they all came together to support the cause.


I’m checking with a Cockles group on Discord to see if they might know where to find the Lady and the Tramp photo op

Linda Moore

Btw, during the "influence" segment, Jared asked if it would be Sastiel or Cam and then he said "I think it would be Cam because..." and then he stopped himself. I think he was going to say, "because Cas comes first." 🤭 Oh the innuendo!! 🤭


This was amazing, luis, i always wait for your requests, they are the best, the influence saga is my favorite, there's more to the influence saga, idk if u know this

Luis Nov

Hi Hasnaa! Really glad you liked it, there’s a few people on Shelleys reactions that Im really thinking while put things together “man I hope they’ll like it” and you are one of them, it really makes me trying to make it batter, so I hope you had a good laugh and mid way an “aww” moment with this, really tried to make it less confusing that my previous one and deffo the influence saga its on another level, Im kind of surprised no one requested this last month (I didnt knew it existing) so nope, i didnt know theres more than what I saw, gonna have to look for it, thanks Hasnaa 🙌🏻 see you around