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Paper Clip - Full Reaction.mp4

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Skinner is the MVP this episode for me, and Krychek levels up here because there's "no strings on him" anymore. Krychek wearing the greecer look shows how the fbi outfit was just another costume. He’s a hired weapon. They turned on him. Now he’s a loose weapon. Fav moments are Krychek calling the cig smoking man and Skinner telling the cig smoking man to pucker up. We find out Mulder's mom knew about why(at least somewhat) Mulder's sister was taken. Just saying, she was lying to him as well. There is a dark parallel about going along and compromising for ones safety, the safety of family and the maintaining of access: with Mulder's father and now with Mulder and Scully not going public with whatever is on the tape. Mulder is thinking of fate, because how the conspiracy he was trying to find turns out to be deeply connected to his family (father). The truth wasn't just something out there, it was something he grew up with all around him. His whole quest probably feels more unavoidable now than before. He's also projecting that sense of fate onto Scully and his whole world view as people do: make philosophy of their personal experiences the old Nazi scientist, Victor Klemper, told them the code Paper clip was a real thing where Nazi scientist were brought to the USA (over 1600 scientists), obviously (at least to me) they fictionalize what they did with it here. I never thought of the men in the room as Nazis but that is an interesting view. The white buffalo works symbolically with at least both Mulder and Melissa Scully. A lot of X-files storylines have a dream like logic that doesn’t translate to real waking world logic. I notice this more and more on rewatches. Thematic connections seem more important than causal connections to the writers. At times it's closer to twin peaks then say 24. It's great you both are enjoying the mythology episodes, I really like them along with the stand alone episodes. There’s only two possibilities with the tape imo: either Krychek has it and Skinner is bluffing at the end or Skinner still has it and isn't bluffing. This show gives you two conflicting answers to every one question

Demijan Omeragic

The Syndicate members are not Nazis though. There is really nothing to indicate that. They did indeed collaborate with a Nazi in the past - Victor Klemper - but aside from that there's no evidence they, as a group, have anything to do with the Nazis. Same goes for the Smoking Man. It's just that the two ladies really miss tons of content and then get confused. When Mulder asks the Well Manicured Man in the garden why his sister was taken, he is given an explicit answer. Whether that answer is true or not is irrelevant, but the question and answer was completely missed. Same with the code Klemper gave them indirectly, plus many other things.

Demijan Omeragic

I strongly suggest that when you have something lengthy to comment on during the series, just pause the episode and discuss it, and then continue. If there's just smaller comments throughout than there's no need to pause, but for example that whole birth date discussion in one of the most important sequences of the episode, that should've been a place where you pause and then talk. Just my opinion. Plenty of things in both Anasazi, The Blessing Way, and Paper Clip, that you missed because of lengthy comments while the episode keeps playing. Same thing with earlier mythology episodes, especially Colony / End Game. But otherwise I still enjoy your videos.