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Season 2 Wrap Up.mp4

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My top five: 1 One Breath (sucker for a great character centric episode and the images of people talking to Scully are hauntingly beautiful) 2 Ascension: it really took the abduction storyline and made it presently personal for both Mulder and Scully. Also Krycek. 3 Anasazi: where everything happens quickly, bold way to end the season 4 Humbug: first episode that shows the full potential for humor in the series while also being so heartfelt. 5 Duane Barry: kept me guessing as to whether Duane Barry was just hallucinating or an actual alien abduction victim. Honorable mentions: The Host (aka I can’t sit on a toilet for a week) / Die Hand Die Verletzt (love me some small town demon worshiping hijinks) Bottom 2 episodes: Firewalker (too much of a rehash of ice), Dod Kalm (when the show doesn’t care enough to keep track of characters why should I), I hated 3 when I first saw the show. But on rewatches I kind of enjoy it. Its placement is bad, and it IS bad, but but but… once I knew what I was about to watch it was like a horrid red shoe diaries fever dream of an X-files episode. *Red shoe diaries was an erotic anthology show from the 90’s on Cinemax that David Duchovny did voice over work for as the narrator. It also reminds me of the movie Habit (95), which on the surface is about modern day vampires and succubae living in NY City, but really is a very dreary story about lonely people failing to connect adrift in the city possibly losing their minds. Agree S2 is overall better then S1, but interestingly not through any huge changes, they just got a little better in all the small things like character developments, thematic depth, more consistently distinct stand-alone episodes, better side characters, more humor and the flow between episodes is smoother. Great review and I’m really enjoying both your reactions to the show, hyped to see reactions to so many future moments and episodes!

Demijan Omeragic

No mention of "Colony" / "End Game" ? Damn! Those are the two episodes that turned me into a huge fan of the series. :)