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The Bear and the Bow - Full Version.mp4

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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

The Bear and the Bow- Thank you once again! I enjoy this episode for the most part. I like that this episode introduces us to the leaders of the clans... Macintosh, MacGuffin, and Dingwall. And the actors chosen to play them are really good, like the creators for this show have always been really good at doing, which I always appreciate and love about this show. All three actors look like these clansmen from the Disney movie, Brave... thanks to their costumes, hairstyling, and makeup. The biggest difference is in Lord Macintosh, given that they actually brought in a somewhat handsome actor with muscles to play him, rather than made him look as goofy as the other two lords do, like all three appear in the Disney movie as well. And they actually made him and the others smarter than they are in the Disney movie too. This timeline does take place many years after the events within the movie... at least by ten years or so. And I guess the creators wanted Merida and her brothers to be older for the ideas for each of them that they wanted to write into their storylines for this show. For Merida... I guess they wanted some time between the events of the movie to her story here in Once Upon a Time so she could grow into her coming role as DunBroch's Queen. Which makes complete sense and I think it's very smart for the creators to have done. And for her brothers... I suppose with the idea the writers came up with to have the clansmen threaten to have the brothers executed, and to see them almost be shot by the arrows, the creators and writers might have felt it would have been wrong to show a near executed of three children. So it makes sense that they would want them to have grown too. And I really do like this scene in the end as Merida saves her brothers by shooting an arrow to knock away the other three aiming to kill her brothers, as Merida proves herself to be DunBroch's rightful Queen. Overall... I enjoy this storyline. It's not one of my favorites by any means and while I do like Merida's character throughout this season, and I do like the overall storyline, I feel that for me... it is one of the weakest storylines going on in this current seasons. But to back up a little... My favorite scene within this episode comes in the very beginning when with Merlin's help, Hook, David, and Belle charge into the castle's dungeons battling the guards so they can free Lancelot, as well as Merida upon finding her a prisoner there too. I really like how Hook says to Merlin, "Not bad for a bloke who spent the last thousand years in a tree." And then how when Merlin responds that it's just like riding a bike. I love how David questions him about how he knows what a bike is, to which Merlin answers, "Do you really think all my prophecies came true because of luck?" And I also like how Merlin compliments Belle when she quickly finds the spell that allows him to free Lancelot and Merida. As for Belle knowing magic... Belle doesn't practice magic and she doesn't have any of her own. However, she is smart and clever and therefore she is really good at being able to translate spells from their books and is good with researching all kinds of magic through books. This is why Merlin compliments her for helping him to know which spell can break the newer enchantment casted over the dungeon bars. I like how Merlin is so casual and often jokes with the characters, then is firm and cross when he needs to be. He has a great demeanor about him. I wouldn't have thought so simply from learning at first who the actor chosen to play a character like Merlin was, but I really like Elliot Knight as Merlin a lot. He plays Merlin differently than any other actors who've ever played Merlin in movies and other shows, but he's definitely and enjoyable character. As for the major Storybrooke storyline with Merida continuing to make Gold into a hero upon threatening Belle, and in DunBroch with Merida kidnapping Belle to get her help to save her brothers... They're both entertaining overall. However, I have to admit this episode is another example I feel is when the minor storylines throughout this episode are better than the two main storylines within both Storybrooke and in DunBroch. I like how Belle is able to remind Merida of the strength inside of her that allows her to save her brothers, rather than by Merida using the potion Belle had pretended to make so Merida could transform once again into a bear to fight the clansmen. I think it would have been too much to see Merida become a bear twice within this episode, with her past we know from the Disney movie. Brave is a good Disney movie, although I love many other Disney movies more. What I love most about Merida within Once Upon a Time, is seeing a different take on her story and seeing it being expanded upon from the events within her Disney movie. I love seeing DunBroch and the clansmen, and I love Merida's look with her flaming red curly hair and her gorgeous thick Scottish accent. And I like the overall scenes between Merida, Gold, and Belle as Belle and Gold are trying to escape from Merida still under Emma's control. I like how Merida does actually transform herself into a bear on Emma's command to threaten Belle, which allows for Gold to find his own bravery to save Belle. I always love the parallels between the two storylines. In regards to the powder Gold uses to transform Merida back into herself in order to save himself and Belle... Gold explains to Belle a few scenes before this one that the powder he has is anti-magic powder, which would have allowed them to break through the barrier spell keeping everyone trapped in Storybrooke that Emma had put up with the new dark curse that had brought everyone home and wiped away all their memories. And because this powder strips away any kind of magic, by Gold tossing into her mouth and forcing Merida to swallow it in her bear form, she is then instantly changed back into her true self again. Smart thinking on Gold's part. However, my reasons for not liking these storylines more than the minor storylines, is more because season five is really when my love for Rumple's and Belle's relationship becomes hindered. By the end of season four, Belle just becomes far too wishy washy in her feelings for Gold. I understand that she truly loves him, but she keeps going back and forth in pushing him away and taking him back. And to me... I find it really annoying. So... I just can't enjoy this episode's storyline as much as I would like to. Next... I really enjoy the scenes between Emma and Zelena, after Emma frees Zelena briefly from her cell and takes her back to her home, then offers Zelena onion rings, which she happily accepts and eats. I also like how Emma offers Zelena a deal... help in exchange for her freedom. I like their banter back and forth, and how in the end, Zelena refuses to accept Emma's deal and in so doing, is magically returned to her cell. I love the scene inside Granny's Diner within Camelot, as Merlin reveals to Emma that he was the man who came to her disguised as an usher all those years ago inside the theater, then reminds her of his warning he made to her. Especially because the movie playing in the background is The Sword in the Stone and the scenes that kept playing in the background while Merlin was talking with young Emma, were scenes showing only Merlin... foreshadowing who this mysterious usher really is. Oh... in and in regards to the chocolate Apollo bars shown quite often throughout this series... they're a nod to the TV series, Lost... another of Adam and Eddie's other shows they've created, which you know because you enjoy Lost. I've never seen Lost before except for two episodes here and there and from what little I've seen, I have no desire to ever watch it. But I know about the candy bars, just as there are a number of actors from Lost also that are in Once Upon a Time too. These creators like to bring their other works into their different shows. Which is actually clever. I like it. And then... once Merida returns Gold to Emma after he succeeds in saving Belle from her, Gold is able to pull Excalibur from the stone. I enjoy this scene, and I like that Belle comes down into the cavern with Gold to stand with him while he nervously reaches out to take the sword's hilt. And finally, Emma restores Merida's heart as well, now that she's finished with her. As sad as it is, I love how dark Emma continues to act as the new Dark One, especially in this scene. And lastly... the heroes find Arthur out as they discover he had tried to burn the Crimson Crown instead of using it to try to communicate with Merlin like he told them he had done. I'm very happy that they now know in both timelines that Arthur is now a villain. I also like how they realize they can have Henry open the channel to Merlin, since he's the Author having been chosen to be by Merlin. Unfortunately, they only receive a message from Merlin, as he reveals to them the one person who can help them stop the Dark One is Nimue. I like this set up for the next episode. And I also really like how Regina grumbles about how they've only succeeded in getting Merlin's voicemail. Very funny. Again... this episode is pretty good, but not one of my favorites by any means. I do however enjoy it. And more so, I enjoyed your reaction for it, so thank you once again, Shelley! Sincerely, Heidi


I find it kind of interesting that 4x06 and 5x06 both have the story idea of "pair Belle with current princess". First Anne, now Merida. ...I just looked it up and they even share a co-writer (but the other writer is different)